R package designed for the analysis & reporting of subject baseline characteristics in clinical trials. We assume ADaM datasets are ready for analysis and leverage metalite data structure to define inputs and outputs.
The general workflow is:
- Define metadata information using metalite.
prepares datasets for summary of baseline characteristics.format_base_char()
formats output layout.rtf_base_char()
creates TLFs.
Here is a quick example
meta_sl_example() |>
population = "apat",
observation = "apat",
parameter = "age;gender"
) |>
format_base_char() |>
source = "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
path_outtable = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")
- Avoid duplicated input by using metadata structure.
- For example, define analysis population once to use in all adverse events analysis.
- Consistent input and output in standard functions.
- Streamlines mock table generation.