Cloud-Harness v0.4.0
- Runtime Python library improvement and bugfixes #325 #315
- Implement event decorator for sending objects into a kafka queue for CDC purpose #301
- Enable kafka auto create topics #313
- Improve default exception handling in Flask backend apis #322
- Optimize auth current user retrieval (caching) #293
- Add a 404 handler for webapps #261
- Use CH_CURRENT_USER_ID environment variable for development env where no "request user" is present #251
- Add simple command workflow task #257
- Helm chart auto deployment improvements
- Jupyterhub application improvements
- Improve extract download task #271 #274
- Create a notification microservice for sending different types of notifications (email, slack, ....) #300
- Build and deployment improvements
- Add argument to selectively disable cache on image builds#336
- Enable docker buildkit in skaffold #304
- Fix task images not included in skaffold build without specifying parameter -i in harness-deployment #306
- Fix build dependencies not working with Skaffold #287
- Fix workflows images retrieval to work with Skaffold build #267
- Add context to image tags in pipelines. #264
- Use buildkit on codefresh builds #338
- Add Sentry performance monitoring option #291
- Improve deployment script
- Improve multiple deployment pipeline script generation #310
- Database backups #269
See also