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Helm Chart Configuration

Lucas Rebscher edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 3 revisions


Version: 0.0.1 AppVersion: 0.0.1

CloudHarness Helm Chart


Name Email Url
Filippo Ledda [email protected]
Zoran Sinnema [email protected]


Key Type Default Description
apps string Will be filled automatically. List of applications. bool true Flag to enable/disable backups.
backup.dir string "/backups" Target directory of backups, the mount point of the persistent volume.
backup.keep_days string "7" Number of days to keep backups.
backup.keep_months string "6" Number of months to keep backups.
backup.keep_weeks string "4" Number of weeks to keep backups.
backup.resources.limits.cpu string "50m" K8s cpu resource definition.
backup.resources.limits.memory string "64Mi" K8s memory resource definition.
backup.resources.requests.cpu string "25m" K8s cpu resource definition.
backup.resources.requests.memory string "32Mi" K8s memory resource definition.
backup.schedule string "@daily" Schedule as cronjob expression.
backup.suffix string ".gz" The file suffix added to backup files.
domain string "${{DOMAIN}}" The root domain.
env[0] object {"name":"CH_VERSION","value":"0.0.1"} Cloud Harness version
env[1] object {"name":"CH_CHART_VERSION","value":"0.0.1"} Cloud harness chart version
fullnameOverride string "" ?
ingress.enabled bool true Flag to enable/disalbe ingress controller. string "[email protected]" Email for letsencrypt. string "cloudharness-ingress" K8s Name of ingress.
ingress.ssl_redirect bool true Enables/disables SSL redirect.
local bool false If set to local, TLS won't be configured.
mainapp string "accounts" Name of mainapp, routes incoming traffic of root domaim to this app.
nameOverride string "" ?
namespace string "ch" The K8s namespace.
privenv[0] object {"name":"CH_SECRET","value":"In God we trust; all others must bring data. ― W. Edwards Deming"} Defines a secret as private environment variable that is injected in containers. string "localhost:5000" The docker registry.
registry.secret string nil Optional secret used for pulling from docker registry.
secured_gatekeepers bool true Enables/disables Gatekeeper.
tag string "latest" Docker tag used to pull images.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0