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How to create an application

Lucas Rebscher edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 2 revisions


In the following we show how you can create a new application consisting of a React frontend, a Python Flask backend and a MongoDB.

We assume that you are running a local K8s cluster with minikube and setup kubectl.


Create a new application awesomeapp and select the templates webapp (frontend + backend) and mongo:

harness-application awesomeapp -t webapp -t mongo

Create a deployment and generate a helm chart for your new application:

harness-deployment . -l -b -i awesomeapp

-l creates a local deployment, -b builds the docker images and -i awesomeapp specifies that we only want to deploy awesomeapp.

Once completed, you can install the application on your local minikube cluster:

helm install ch deployment/helm  -n ch --dependency-update 

If the namespace ch is not present, it will be automatically created.