Beta version 0.8.1
Pre-releaseThis release contains version 0.8.1 (beta) of "classical_extras" ( a bug-fix of 0.8). Install "" in your Picard plugins to run. (Select Options->Options->Plugins->Install plugin... then select the zip file you have down loaded. You may be prompted to restart Picard. Then make sure that "Classical Extras is ticked in the plugins list).
The plugin has only been tested with FLAC and mp3 files. It does work with m4a files, but Picard does not write all m4a tags (see further notes for iTunes users at the end of the "works and parts tab" section).
It populates hidden variables in Picard with information from the MusicBrainz database about the recording, artists and work(s), and of any containing works, passing up through mutiple work-part levels until the top is reached.
The "Options" page (Options->Options->Plugins->Classical Extras) allows the user to determine how these hidden variables are written to file tags, as well as a variety of other options.
This plugin is particularly designed to assist with tagging of classical music so that player or library manager software which can display multiple work levels and different artist types can have access to them.
Please read the Readme file before using. (It is easier to read it here: rather than downloading it.)