This repository contains Jupyter notebooks describing cloning and construction using Python and pydna in Jupyter notebooks.
The notebooks and other files in this repository accompany the publication:
Pereira, Humberto, Flávio Azevedo, Lucília Domingues, and Björn Johansson. 2022. “Expression of Yarrowia Lipolytica Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Its Effect on in-Vivo Accumulation of Malonyl-CoA.” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20 (January 1): 779–787.
- AccTet.ipynb
- pYPK0_TEF1_ScACC1_TDH3.ipynb
- pYPK0_TDH3_ScACC1_PGI1.ipynb
- pYPK0_TEF1_YlACC1_TDH3.ipynb
- pYPK0_TDH3_YlACC1_PGI1.ipynb
- pYPK0_TEF1_ScACC1_TDH3_YlACC1_PGI1.ipynb
- pYPK0_TEF1_YlACC1_TDH3_ScACC1_PGI1.ipynb
Each notebook contain links (usually in the end) to the resulting sequences.
These notebooks are tested on the github action build service oche a week.Notebook outputs are re-executed and compared to ensure reproducibility.
If the badge below is green, all tests gave the expected results.
The notebooks can be visualized in a number of ways.
The notebooks (.ipynb) can be viewed directly on Github or through the nbviewer service here
The Jupyter Notebook Viewer for chrome is free and very useful to rapidly view notebooks in the browser.
We are grateful for funding from:
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Portugal (FCT) through project FatVal PTDC/EAM-AMB/032506/2017 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacão (POCI).
CBMA was supported by the strategic program UIDB/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P.