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What is Ot2Rec?

Ot2Rec is a Python suite which aims to automate the preprocessing and reconstruction workflow of (cryo-)electron tomographic images. This code is a product of the Artificial Intelligence & Informatics (AI&I) group at the Rosalind Franklin Institute.

Initially built with the principle of least privilege, Ot2Rec works as a wrapper suite of the batch version of IMOD and takes the user through the data processing workflow with a minimal amount of human intervention required. This allows smooth transitions between processing stages, and results in overall speed-up when compared with the fully manual counterpart of the same workflow.


  • Preprocessing of tomographic data with MotionCor2 and ctffind
  • Image reconstruction and tomogram generation with IMOD
  • Runs in parallel on computer clusters
  • GPU operations enabled in stages where possible
  • Highly modularised API
  • Software architecture supports internal and serialised metadata
  • Input parameters automatically updated upon running
  • Supports multiple data formats (TIFFs / MRCs)
  • Easy integration of new plugins


For questions regarding Ot2Rec, please feel free to contact developer at [email protected].


This software is licensed under the Apache License (V2). Copyright (C) 2021 Rosalind Franklin Institute.

Installation guide

Software requirements (external prerequisites)

  • CUDA
  • Motioncor2
  • ctffind
  • IMOD
  • miniconda

Obtaining Ot2Rec

Ot2Rec can be obtained by cloning this repository

git clone

Installing Ot2Rec

  1. You will need miniconda. If you have not yet installed miniconda yet, you can obtain it by following the instructions here.

  2. (Optional, but recommended) Update miniconda

    conda update conda
  3. Once miniconda is set up, create a virtual environment for Ot2Rec and activate the environment

    conda create --name o2r
    conda activate o2r
  4. Install the prerequisite Python packages

    conda config --add channels conda-forge
    conda install --file requirements.txt

    (NB. the first line is required as some of the packages are only available via conda-forge)

  5. Go to the Ot2Rec folder and install Ot2Rec

    cd /path/to/Ot2Rec/
    python develop

Usage guide

0. Overview of functionality

Ot2Rec is capable of carrying out the following tasks:

  1. Creating new project and collecting raw data
  2. Performing motion correction of raw images
  3. Estimating contrast transfer function (CTF) of each dataset (tilt-series)
  4. Creating individual stacks for each tilt-series and aligning the stacks
  5. Reconstructing the aligned stacks to form final tomograms

Operations of each task will be explained in details below.

The basic format of the commands with which Ot2Rec functions are called is

o2r.TASK.<operation> project_name

where the TASK parameter is one of the following

TASK Description
new Initialising a new project
get_master Collect raw data and create master metadata file
mc Motion correct images from specified tilt-series
ctffind Estimate tilt-series CTF
align Create stacks and align them
recon Reconstruct aligned stacks
stats Output reconstruction quality statistics

The task-specific operations (<operation> in the command) will be discussed in the respective sections.

1. New project and data collection

Creating new project

To start a new project, it is recommended to create a new folder for the project (which is called demo here) specifically. In the project folder /path/to/demo/, there should be a subfolder (called raw here) which holds all the raw images.

In the demo folder, create a new folder named processing in which all image processing will be done.

cd /path/to/demo
mkdir processing

The benefit of creating a separate folder for processing is that the outputs will not be mixed with the inputs. The project folder structure should now look like this:


Creating project master configuration file

In the processing folder, run Ot2Rec for the first time to initialise the project.

cd processing demo

The argument demo in the second command determines the name of the project.
(Warning: The project name is used throughout the processing stages and is used as the handle for file checking. DO NOT CHANGE AFTER INITIALISATION.)

There should now be a config file named demo_proj.yaml. Open the file using any text editor. There should be 6 lines in the file

source_folder: ../raw/
TS_folder_prefix: '*'
file_prefix: '*'
image_stack_field: 1
image_tiltangle_field: 3
source_TIFF: true

List of Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
source_folder The path to the folder where the raw images are stored.
TS_folder_prefix The common prefix of the folders holding the raw images. For instance, if the folders for the tilt-series are named demo_01, demo_02 etc., then TS_folder_prefix = demo.
(Note: The trailing underscore is not necessary. Ot2Rec uses underscores as field separators by default.)
file_prefix The prefix in the filenames of the raw images, which is recommended to match with the Ot2Rec project name to avoid confusions.
For example, if an image in tilt series 1 (taken at the sample tilt angle -60 degrees) has the filename demo_01_0001_-60.0.tif, with 01 being the tilt series index, then file_prefix = demo.
image_stack_field and image_tiltangle_field Where to find the tilt-series number and the tilt angles from the image file names. Fields start counting from after the prefix.
In the previous example, the filename is TS_01_0001_-60.0.tif, with 01 being the tilt series index, 0001 the index of image in the stack, and -60.0 the tilt angle, then image_stack_field = 1 and image_tiltangle_field = 3.
(Note: the field numbers obey the Python indexing rule, where the first field has index 0.)
source_TIFF Whether the raw images are in the TIFF format. If set to false, the program automatically assumes the images are MRCs.

Creating project master metadata

Now that the project master config file has been set up, the next step will be to collect the raw images and compile a master metadata for the entire project. To do this, simply use the command

o2r.get_master demo

and you should get a demo_master_md.yaml file.
(WARNING: This file contains information (raw path, tilt series number, sample tilt angle) about the raw images being collected, and should not be altered manually.)

2. Motion Correction

After creating the master metadata, the next step will be correct for the motion during image acquisition. Ot2Rec uses the external code MotionCor2 to do this. The program module must be loaded before being executed:

module load motioncor2

Creating configuration file

To create the configuration file for MotionCor2, run the following command: demo

which should produce the file demo_mc2.yaml, whose contents are listed below:

    process_list: []
    output_path: ./motioncor/
    output_prefix: demo
    use_gpu: auto
    jobs_per_gpu: 2
    gpu_memory_usage: 1
    source_TIFF: true
    MC2_path: /opt/lmod/modules/motioncor2/1.4.0/MotionCor2_1.4.0/MotionCor2_1.4.0_Cuda110
    gain_reference: nogain
    pixel_size: 0.815
    desired_pixel_size: 1.63
    discard_frames_top: 1
    discard_frames_bottom: 0
    tolerance: 0.5
    max_iterations: 10
    - 5
    - 5
    - 20
    use_subgroups: true

Parameters are categorised into two blocks, namely System and MC2. The System block tells Ot2Rec what files are processed and how much computational resource to use, whereas the MC2 block contains essential parameters for MotionCor2 to satisfactorily correct the motion-induced artefacts.
(NB. Parameters in configuration files are categorised in blocks. Throughout this document the parameters will be presented in the format of <block>.<parameter>. For instance, the process_list parameter above will be presented in this document as System.process_list.)

List of Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
System.process_list A list of indices of all tilt-series which can be motion-corrected currently. The default list is determined directly from the master metadata file.
Processing tilt-series whose numbers are not in the default list will lead to errors.
System.output_path The path to the folder in which the motion-corrected images will be placed. The folder will be created if it does not exist.
System.output_prefix The prefix of the filenames of the motion-corrected images, which is by default same as that of the raw images.
System.use_gpu Determines whether to use GPU for acceleration. By default, it is set to auto for automatic detection of available GPU(s). If GPU is not to be used, set the option to False.
System.jobs_per_gpu Determines the number of images processed in parallel by each GPU.
System.gpu_memory_usage Determines how much GPU memory is used by MotionCor2.
System.source_TIFF Determines whether the raw images are in TIFF or MRC format.
This parameter is directly read from the master configuration file so should not need changing.
--- ---
MC2.MC2_path The path to the folder where MotionCor2 is installed.
MC2.gain_reference The path to the gain reference file. If no file is provided, set this parameter to nogain
MC2.pixel_size The pixel size (in angstroms) of the raw images which can be obtained by using the IMOD header command on any of the raw images.
MC2.desired_pixel_size The pixel size (in angstroms) of the output (i.e. motion-corrected) images.
MC2.discard_frames_top The number of initial frames to be deleted from the raw image stacks for removal of potential artefacts.
MC2.discard_frames_bottom The number of trailing frames to be deleted from the raw image stacks.
MC2.tolerance The threshold of alignment errors (in pixels).
MC2.max_iterations The maximum number of iterations beyond which alignment would terminate even if convergence is not reached.
MC2.patch_size The patch dimensions used in the alignment. A [m, n] patch_size would mean the image is to be divided into (m x n) patches. A third number can be added to specify the percentage of overlap between successive patches. For instance, [5, 5, 20] (default) means the image would be divided into 5x5 patches, with each patch having 20% overlapping with its neighbours in every dimension.
MC2.use_subgroups Instructs MotionCor2 to divide the input stack into subgroups and align the sum of the subgroups instead of individual frames.

Running MotionCor2

With the configuration file demo_mc2.yaml created, we can run MotionCor2 by using the the command demo

At the end of the process, there should be another metafile demo_mc2_md.yaml.
(WARNING: This file will be used in later processing stages. DO NOT MANUALLY CHANGE ITS CONTENTS.)

3. CTF estimation

To estimate the defocus and hence the contrast transfer function (CTF) of the images, Ot2Rec uses the code CTFFind4.
(Note: This step is optional. The image reconstruction pipeline will not be affected if this step is omitted.)

To use CTFFind4, the appropriate module must be loaded beforehand:

module load ctffind

Creating configuration file

To create the configuration file for CTFFind4, run the following command: demo

which should produce the file demo_ctffind.yaml, whose contents are listed below:

    process_list: []
    output_path: ./ctffind/
    output_prefix: TS
    ctffind_all: true
    ctffind_path: /opt/lmod/modules/ctffind/4.1.14/bin/ctffind
    pixel_size: 1.63
    voltage: 300.0
    spherical_aberration: 2.7
    amp_contrast: 0.8
    amp_spec_size: 512
    resolution_min: 30.0
    resolution_max: 5.0
    defocus_min: 5000.0
    defocus_max: 50000.0
    defocus_step: 500.0
    astigm_type: null
    exhaustive_search: false
    astigm_restraint: false
    phase_shift: false

List of Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
System.process_list (See above)
System.output_path (See above)
System.output_prefix (See above)
System.ctffind_all If set to true, CTF will be estimated for all images in the tilt-series specified in System.process_list. If set to false, CTF will be estimated only for the image with tilt-angle closest to 0.
(Note: must be set to true if user wants to use the per-image CTF to calculate the per-image PSF for deconvolution.)
--- ---
ctffind.ctffind_path The path to the folder where CTFFind4 is installed.
ctffind.pixel_size Pixel size (in angstroms) of the motion-corrected images.
ctffind.voltage Voltage (in keV) of the electron beam.
ctffind.spherical_aberration Spherical aberration (in mrads) of the objective lens
ctffind.amp_contrast Relative amplitude contrast w1 (0 <= w1 <= 1)
ctffind.amp_spec_size Size of spectrum (in pixels)
ctffind.resolution_min Minimum resolution in target function (in angstroms)
ctffind.resolution_max Maximum resolution in target function (in angstroms)
ctffind.defocus_min Lower bound of initial defocus search (in angstroms)
ctffind.defocus_max Upper bound of initial defocus search (in angstroms)
ctffind.defocus_step Step size of initial defocus search (in angstroms)
ctffind.astigm_type Type of astigmatism. (Best kept as null)
ctffind.exhaustive_search Turns on exhaustive search algorithm for defocus if set to true
ctffind.astigm_restraint Restraint on astigmatism (in angstroms)
ctffind.phase_shift Estimates phase shift if set to true

Running CTFFind4

With the configuration file demo_ctffind.yaml created, we can run CTFFind4 by using the the command demo

At the end of the process, there should be a new metafile demo_ctffind_md.yaml.
(WARNING: This file will be used in later processing stages. DO NOT MANUALLY CHANGE ITS CONTENTS.)

3. Alignment

Ot2Rec uses the program IMOD for aligning raw images. To run IMOD, the appropriate module must be loaded using the command:

module load imod

Creating configuration file

To create the configuration file for alignment in IMOD, run the following command: demo

which should produce the file demo_align.yaml, whose contents are listed below:

    process_list: []
    output_path: ./stacks/
    output_rootname: TS
    output_suffix: ''
        use_rawtlt: true
        pixel_size: 0.163
        rot_angle: 86.0
        gold_size: 0.0
        adoc_template: /opt/lmod/modules/imod/4.11.1/IMOD/SystemTemplate/cryoSample.adoc
        stack_bin_factor: 8
        delete_old_files: false
        remove_xrays: true
        bin_factor: 8
        - 300
        - 200
        - 12
        - 8
        num_iterations: 4
        - 2
        - 2
        adjust_tilt_angles: true
        num_surfaces: 1
        mag_option: fixed
        tilt_option: fixed
        rot_option: group
        beam_tilt_option: fixed
        use_robust_fitting: true
        weight_all_contours: true

List of Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
System.process_list (See above)
System.output_path (See above)
System.output_rootname Same as the prefix in previous steps. Should be automatically determined from previous metadata.
System.output_suffix Extra information attached as suffix to output filenames.
--- ---
BatchRunTomo.setup.use_rawtlt If set to true, IMOD will use the .rawtlt file generated from stack creation to determine image tilt angles, rather than directly from filenames.
BatchRunTomo.setup.pixel_size Pixel size (in nm) of the motion-corrected images.
BatchRunTomo.setup.rot_angle Rotational angle of electron beam. Can be obtained from MDOC files.
BatchRunTomo.setup.gold_size Size (in nm) of gold fiducial particles. Set to 0 if fiducial-less.
BatchRunTomo.setup.adoc_template Path to template file of BatchRunTomo directives.
BatchRunTomo.setup.stack_bin_factor Raw image stacks downsampling factor
BatchRunTomo.preprocessing.delete_old_files If set to true, remove original stack when excluding views
BatchRunTomo.preprocessing.remove_xrays If set to true, IMOD will attempt to remove X-rays and other artefacts.
BatchRunTomo.coarse_align.bin_factor Coarse aligned stack binning
BatchRunTomo.patch_track.size_of_patches Size (in pixels) in X and Y of patches to track
BatchRunTomo.patch_track.num_of_patches Number of patches to track in X and Y
BatchRunTomo.patch_track.num_iterations Number of iterations (max. 4)
BatchRunTomo.patch_track.limits_on_shift Maximum extent (in pixels) to which patches are allowed to move during alignment
BatchRunTomo.patch_track.adjust_tilt_angles If set to true, IMOD will rerun patch-tracking procedure with tilt-angle offset.
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.num_surfaces Number of surface(s) for angle analysis
(options: 1 | 2)
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.mag_option Type of magnification solution
(options: all | group | fix)
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.tilt_option Type of tilt-angle solution
(options: all | group | fix)
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.rot_option Type of rotation solution
(options: all | group | one | fix)
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.beam_tilt_option Type of beam-tilt solution
(options: fix | search)
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.use_robust_fitting If set to true, IMOD will use robust fitting to downsample some points.
BatchRunTomo.fine_align.weight_all_contours If set to true, IMOD will apply weighting to entire contours from patch tracking.

(Warning: Parameters under BatchRunTomo.patch_track and BatchRunTomo.fine_align sub-blocks affect alignment quality heavily. Default values are recommended for parameters under BatchRunTomo.fine_align sub-block.)

Running IMOD alignment

With the configuration file demo_align.yaml created, we can run IMOD by using the the command demo

At the end of the process, there should be a new metafile demo_align_md.yaml.
(WARNING: This file will be used in later processing stages. DO NOT MANUALLY CHANGE ITS CONTENTS.)

Alignment of motion-corrected stacks created from other sources

Ot2Rec supports alignment of image stacks created from other sources (i.e. not using the Ot2Rec pipeline). The following command should be run

o2r.align.new_ext demo

The user will be asked several questions which help Ot2Rec to configure the input parameters automatically. This is essential as those parameters cannot be determined from metadata from previous steps. The output configuration file demo_align.yaml will have the same aforementioned format and the same parameters.

To start the alignment process, the user should use this command instead

o2r.align.run_ext demo

4. Reconstruction

The final step of image processing is reconstruction, which is a continuation from the alignment process in IMOD.

Creating configuration file

To create the configuration file for reconstruction in IMOD, run the following command: demo

which should produce the file demo_recon.yaml, whose contents are listed below:

    process_list: []
    output_path: ./stacks/
    output_rootname: TS
    output_suffix: ''
        use_rawtlt: true
        pixel_size: 0.163
        rot_angle: 86.0
        gold_size: 0.0
        adoc_template: /opt/lmod/modules/imod/4.11.1/IMOD/SystemTemplate/cryoSample.adoc
        stack_bin_factor: 8
        do_positioning: false
        unbinned_thickness: 3600
        correct_ctf: false
        erase_gold: false
        2d_filtering: false
        bin_factor: 8
        thickness: 3600
        run_trimvol: true
        trimvol_reorient: rotate

List of parameters

Parameters Descriptions
System.process_list (See above)
System.output_path (See above)
System.output_rootname (See above)
System.output_suffix (See above)
--- ---
BatchRunTomo.setup.use_rawtlt (See above)
BatchRunTomo.setup.pixel_size (See above)
BatchRunTomo.setup.rot_angle (See above)
BatchRunTomo.setup.gold_size (See above)
BatchRunTomo.setup.adoc_template (See above)
BatchRunTomo.setup.stack_bin_factor (See above)
BatchRunTomo.positioning.do_positioning If set to true, IMOD will perform positioning for the stack.
BatchRunTomo.positioning.unbinned_thickness Unbinned thickness (in pixels) for samples or whole tomogram
BatchRunTomo.aligned_stack.correct_ctf If set to true, IMOD will attempt to correct CTF for the aligned stack.
BatchRunTomo.aligned_stack.erase_gold If set to true, IMOD will attempt to erase gold fiducials.
BatchRunTomo.aligned_stack.2d_filtering If set to true, IMOD will perform 2D filtering.
BatchRunTomo.aligned_stack.bin_factor Binning to be applied on aligned stacks
BatchRunTomo.reconstruction.thickness Thickness (in pixels) for reconstruction
BatchRunTomo.postprocessing.run_trimvol If set to true, IMOD will run Trimvol on reconstruction
BatchRunTomo.postprocessing.trimvol_reorient Reorientation in Trimvol
(options: none | flip | rotate)


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