Component oriented framework inspired by Mithril and ReactJs (work in progress) Easy automatic generation of code and its speed has higher priority over simplicity.
Features in core:
- No additional dependencies
- Virtual DOM diffing
- Components remember state in VDom cache
- Support for partial invalidates for even faster redraws
- Normalization of Events
- support for IE8+, Android 4.0+
- batching of redrawing
- under 10kb minified
Features in extensions:
- OnChange event and value attribute normalization
- Key events
- Mouse, Touch and Swipe Events (polyfill pointerEvents:none)
- Vector graphic in spirit of React-Art just very limited in features, but under 4kb with SVG and VML backends
- Router inspired by
- Media detection
- Focus, Blur, FocusIn, FocusOut events
- Transparently add vendor prefixes for inline styles
- Asap (setImmediate) and Promise A+ implementation - simplified and
- Scroll notification
All extensions + core gziped are under 12kb
Near term planned extensions:
Longer term extensions:
- New/Deleted Node animation
- Prevent exit
- Ajax
Uses Karma, Jasmine, Coverage for testing
MIT Licensed