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The R package OverICA performs overcomplete independent component analysis (ICA). Given n observations of p variables stored in matrix $y_{n,p}$, we estimate the effects of k latent variables $x_{n,k}$ on the observed variables, where k can be larger than p (overcomplete case). The basic model is:

$$y = Ax^t$$

where $A_{p,k}$ is the mixing matrix. The package also supports models with additional structure among observed variables:

$$y = (I-B)^{-1}Ax^t$$

where $B_{p,p}$ captures direct causal/structural effects among the observed variables.

Model Overview

We opt for a distributional approach, finding a model that matches the emperical and model implied moments.

Core Problem

Our implementation of ICA estimation requires we:

  1. Matching the moments (or distributions) of model-implied data with observed data
  2. Ensuring the latent variables remain independent
  3. Learning the shape of non-Gaussian latent distributions

Neural Network Solution

To avoid parametric assumptions about latent distributions, we use neural networks as flexible transformations:

  1. Sample latent variables $z$ from standard normal distributions
  2. Transform each $z_i$ through a neural network to create non-Gaussian latent variable $x_i$
  3. Mix transformed variables using matrix $A$ to create observed variables $y$
  4. Compare distributional properties between generated and observed data

Loss Functions

We implement two approaches for distribution matching:

  1. Empirical Cumulative Generating Function (ECGF):

    • Captures distributional information through generalized covariance matrices
    • Computationally efficient: uses only 2nd order statistics
    • Avoids explicit computation of higher-order moments
    • Based on Podosinnikova et al. (2019)
  2. Higher-Order Moments:

    • Explicitly computes and matches moments up to 4th order
    • Includes covariance (2nd), skewness (3rd), and kurtosis (4th)
    • More computationally intensive but potentially more precise


install.packages(c("torch", "clue", "MASS", "devtools"))


# ECGF-based estimation
result <- overica(
  data = data,
  k = k,
  n_batch = 4096,
  num_t_vals = 12,      # Number of t-values for ECGF
  tbound = 0.2,         # Bounds for t-values
  lambda = 0,           # L1 regularization
  sigma = 3,            # Covariance penalty
  hidden_size = 10,
  use_adam = TRUE,
  adam_epochs = 8000,
  adam_lr = 0.1,
  use_lbfgs = FALSE,
  lbfgs_epochs = 45,
  lr_decay = 0.999

# Moment-based estimation
result <- overica_sem_full(
  data = data,
  k = k,
  moment_func = compute_central_moments,  # Moment computation function
  third = TRUE,                          # Include 3rd order moments
  error_cov = NULL,                      # Known error covariance
  maskB = NULL,                          # Structure constraints on B
  maskA = NULL,                          # Structure constraints on A
  lambdaA = 0.01,                        # L1 penalty on A
  lambdaB = 0.00,                        # L1 penalty on B
  sigma = 0.01                           # Covariance penalty

Technical Details

Central Moments

For zero-mean variables, central moments are defined as:

Second Order (Covariance): $$\text{Cov}(X_i, X_j) = E[X_iX_j]$$

Third Order (Skewness): $$E[X_iX_jX_k]$$

Fourth Order (Kurtosis): $$E[X_iX_jX_kX_l]$$

The model implied moments, and the emperical moments are used to compute the loss. The model is optimized to miimize the loss.

Empirical Cumulative Generating Function

For a random vector $X$, the CGF is:

$$K_X(t) = \log E[e^{t^TX}]$$

The derivatives of $K_X(t)$ evaluated at different points $t$ capture distributional information:

  • First derivative: Generalized mean
  • Second derivative: Generalized covariance

In OverICA, we:

  1. Evaluate the empirical CGF at multiple points $t$
  2. Match the generalized covariances between model and data
  3. Use stochastic optimization to avoid overfitting to specific $t$ values

Implementation Details

  • Efficient computation using unique moment combinations
  • Batch processing with torch tensors
  • Optional structural constraints via mask matrices
  • L1 penalties for sparse solutions
  • Multiple optimization runs for stability


Podosinnikova, A., Perry, A., Wein, A. S., Bach, F., d'Aspremont, A., & Sontag, D. (2019). Overcomplete independent component analysis via SDP. In The 22nd international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics (pp. 2583-2592). PMLR.

Ding, C., Gong, M., Zhang, K., & Tao, D. (2019). Likelihood-free overcomplete ICA and applications in causal discovery. Advances in neural information processing systems, 32.

Related Tools


Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis






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