Modbus RTU over RS485 has arrived! Using the onboard or custom module RS485 serial port you can read out any Modbus RTU over RS485 capable device directly from your PLC! A first function block has been added to read out Eastron SDM220 energy meters and -if desired- transmit the measured values through MQTT. New function blocks can be added easily to read out other types of Modbus RTU over RS485 devices and as an added bonus the Modbus RTU over RS485 function blocks are cross platform! Both Codesys 3S and é!COCKPIT can be used with same Modbus RTU over RS485 device function blocks. Other PLC runtimes might be used as well but have not been tested.
Any input for future versions can be discussed on the Gitter chat.
🚀 Features
- RS485 implementation and related docs @MichielVanwelsenaere (#55)
📖 Documentation
- adding a HowTo to verify resource usage on Wago PFC @MichielVanwelsenaere (#63)
- adding RS485 tips and tricks page @MichielVanwelsenaere (#62)
- adding wiring diagram for SDM220 - Wago PFC @MichielVanwelsenaere (#61)
- correcting faulty image @MichielVanwelsenaere (#59)
- updated license with correct year @MichielVanwelsenaere (#57)
- adding docs on how to use Wago PFC user leds with Codesys 3S runtime @MichielVanwelsenaere (#56)
🏁 Project Governance
- updating PR broken link check action to latest version @MichielVanwelsenaere (#64)