Main repository for Midas Capital's contracts
┌── <- The top-level README
├── .github/workflows <- CICD pipeline definition
├── .vscode <- IDE configs
├── out <- (forge-generated, git ignored)
│ ├── *.sol/*.json <- All the built contracts
│ └── ...
├── lib <- git submodules with forge-based dependencies
│ ├── flywheel-v2 <- Tribe flywheel contracts
│ ├── fuse-flywheel <- Fuse flywheel contracts
│ ├── oz-contracts-upgradeable <- OpenZeppelin deps
│ └── ... <- other deps
├── contracts <- All of our contracts
│ ├── test <- Forge-based tests
│ ├── compound <- Compound interfaces
│ ├── external <- External contracts we require
│ ├── oracles <- Oracle contracts
│ ├── utils <- Utility contracts
│ └── ... <- Main Fuse contracts
├── foundry.toml <- forge configs
├── remappings.txt <- forge remappings
└── package.json <- npm deps
1. Install dependencies: npm & foundry (forge + cast)
Forge dependencies
>>> curl -L | bash
>>> foundryup
# ensure forge and cast are available in your $PATH
# install submodule libraries via forge
>>> forge install
NPM dependencies
>>> npm install
>>> forge build
# export the relevant env variables, or set them in an .env file
>>> export TEST_RUN_CHAINID=1
Run the entire test suite
>>> forge test --no-match-contract 'Abstract|BeefyERC4626Test|DotDotERC4626Test|ArrakisERC4626Test|JarvisERC4626Test|StellaERC4626Test|CurveERC4626Test|EllipsisERC4626Test|HelioERC4626Test|WombatERC4626Test|MiniChefERC4626Test|AaveV3ERC4626Test'
Check the CI.yaml file to see what chains we run the tests against
>>> npm run prettier