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This repo holds all the work done for our final project's course (LEIC - ISEL).

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way machines work and communicate with people and other systems. Our main objective consists in the creation of a smart and automated system, using IoT technology, to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of an industrial filtration process. By incorporating sensors into these filters, we can detect problems before they lead to costly downtime or safety hazards. The sensors will collect data relative to the filtration system’s environment, such as the water temperature and pH. All this data is to be sent to a central server, and through real-time data analysis, we will identify if the filtration system is not working optimally or is closer to failure. In these situations, an alert will be sent to a device controlled by the filtration system operator or manager, enabling them to take prompt action to resolve the issue. Our project seeks to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase safety by automating the fault detection process of filtration system inspection.



Report Link

Report File


All project source files are included in the this private Git Hub repository, of which we can highlight:

  • MCU Firmware, a CMake project available in "/MCU/IoT_System_MCU". There are also some python scripts to plot sensor data, collected during sensor experimentations, in "/MCU/IoT_System_MCU/sensor_data_readings/...";

  • The Backend composed by the Application Server, available in "/Backend". The Broker, described in the Proposal and final report, is currently lunched in from the Server application, and thus, there are no other resources dedicated to him. There is also the "sensor_data_tester" python script in order to simulate sensor data being sent to the Backend server;

  • The Frontend, which, for this project, is a Single Page Application, accessed from the root of the repository, in the frontend folder.

  • Project documentation, including diagrams, MCU data-sheets, the ongoing report, etc;

  • A Postman request collection, located in the Backend folder.


  • item To run python scripts:

    • item Install python: v3.10
  • To compile and load MCU firmware:

    • Install ESP IDF: v5.0.1. We recommend using the VS Code Expressive IDF plugin, which already brings the most used commands.
  • Database lunch:

  • Application Server lunch:

    • Install JDK 17
  • Website lunch:

    • Install Node Package Manager
  • Docker:

    • Linux and Windows:
      • Install Docker Engine: v24.0.2, build cb74dfc
      • Install Docker Compose: v2.18.1
    • Windows:
      • Install Docker Desktop: v4.20.1 (110738)

Instructions to lunch

Currently, we are still dealing with the deployment. At the momment, is possible to deploy the system locally, using docker technology, or without docker. The system should be also available in the cloud (GCP), but we are still dealing with some issues.

The MCU firmware needs to be compiled and loaded into the MCU. After this, as soons as it receives power, the programm should start right up. After the MCU initializes, it will, eventually, try to connect to the Wi-Fi. Use the ESP Touch Android application to connect the ESP32-S2 to pass the Wi-Fi credentials, along with the Device ID. The latter can be obtained after logging in in the website and creating a new device. It should display the Device ID in the top of the page.

There are two ways of launching the system:

  • Without Docker:
    • Go to each project and start the correspondent application:
      • Go to Spring server project and lunch the server;
      • Lunch the Postgres DB;
      • Lunch de InfluxDB;
      • Go to website project and lunch the website, using webpack;
      • Go to MCU project and load the firmware in the MCU;
  • Using Docker:
    • Go to "/Backend/iot_data_server" folder and use docker-compose to lunch the system. The docker-compose file is already configured to lunch the Postgres DB, InfluxDB and the Spring server. The website is served as static content, in Spring server.


  • Load MCU firmware in device: - Go to "/MCU/IoT_System_MCU" folder - Connect ESP32-S2 to the computer, with the appropriate USB cable. - $ build - $ -p PORT flash monitor (for example using COM5) - Last two steps can be automated by using the VS Code Expressive IDF plugin.

  • Without Docker:

    • Database lunch:

      • Make sure there is a Postgres DB running on port 5432;
      • Make sure there is a InfluxDB running on port 8086;
    • Application Server lunch:

      • Open Application Server in the terminal;
      • $ java -jar iot_data_server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • Website lunch:

      • Open root project in the terminal;
      • $ npm start
  • Using Docker:

    • Go to "/Backend/iot_data_server" folder
    • If the static folder in the resources is emty:
      • Inside the website project:
        • $ npm run build;
        • copy the content of the dist folder to the static folder in the Server resources.
    • Windows:
      • $ docker compose down -v && docker system prune -a --volumes && gradlew clean && gradlew build -x test && docker compose up -d
    • Linux:
      • $ docker compose down -volumes ; docker system prune -a --volumes ; gradle clean ; gradle build -x test ; docker compose up -d


During the Spring Application Server initialization, the database is populated with some default users. This include the admin user, and some other default users, with the following credentials: