In hopes of trying to make this program faster, I've ported this python variant to C++.
It will count and show all possible associative operations (semigroups) on a finite set of N elements, where N <= 4.
To create a Makefile and run it using CMake:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
To compile it under release mode in order to speed up running time use:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
This has only been tested on Linux.
The program will create a file output_<<N>>.txt
with all generated semigroups.
The file will be located in the same directory as the executable, usually it will be in the parent directory.
( but, for example, when running the program in CLion, the output files will actually be stored in cmake-build-debug/
or cmake-build-release/
To modify the cardinal of the set - on which you are generating semigroups -, please modify in main.cpp
the line
constexpr int CARDINAL_SET = <<Insert New Cardinal>>;
and recompile the program.
Similarly to how I computed isomorphisms from one semigroup to another. I could do the same to the other non-associative grupoids. This way I refrain from checking associativity on a structure which is isomorphic to another non-associative structure.
The most obvious downside to this strategy would be heavy RAM/Heap usage