Sample Code for various things I am working on
This script will generate a certificate that can be used instead of a userid/password when driving a z/OSMF API. The certificate is issued for the user running the script, and it resides in RACF (no support for TopSecret or ACF2 at this point). A browser certificate called zosmf-bin.p12 is generated. For syntax, specify:
crtzosmfCert -?
To use the browser certificate:
- download it to your device, in binary format, then import it into your browser (For firefox, go to Preferences / Privacy and Security / View Certificates / Import)
To use the pem certificate and key pair:
- download the two files to your device, in binary format, then use them (For Python, see )
To use the RACF certificate directly on z/OS:
- specify the user, certificate label, and keyring in your request (For z/OS Toolkit, see xsysvar )
These examples require the zospm tools
This script shows how to drive the z/OSMF system variable services either with userid/password or with a client certificate on z/OS. The syntax is straight-forward. To display the value for the variable 'fred':
- xsysvar fred To set the value of the variable 'fred' to 'pink':
- xsysvar fred=pink
As with crtzosmfCert, xsysvar requires zospm tools