Don't clone the project. Instead, fork it and modify it for your desired configuration and file structure.
Works on Ubuntu. Modify
for it to work in other distros.
. Copy .variables.template
to .variables
and add your own paths and settings.
. It will create symbolic links for all files in the home directory to their respective directories/files in $HOME
You can add different directories and files to paths other than $HOME
. Just replicate structure seen in ./home
and add the section link home to $HOME again in
changing the appropiate names
- Node
- Python
- Neovim
- Plugins:
- vim-plug - A minimalist Vim plugin manager
- nvim-lspconfig - A collection of configurations for Neovim's built-in LSP
- nvim-treesitter - Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for Neovim
- nvim-cmp - A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua
- lspsaga.nvim - A light-weight LSP plugin based on Neovim built-in LSP with highly a performant UI
- telescope.nvim - A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists
- defx.nvim - A file explorer