- Accordion
- Knolling
npm install tbd
<div class="accordion-element">
<div class="show-hide">...</div>
import { Accordion } from 'tbd';
let accordion = new Accordion('.accordion-element', {
// options with defaults
hideable: '.show-hide',
// hideable content class name
duration: 0.5
// duration of toggle animation
import { Knolling } from 'tbd';
let wrappers = document.querySelectorAll(".knolling-wrapper");
let knolling = new Knolling(wrappers, {
// options with defaults
itemSelector: ".knolling-el",
// knolling elements class name
layout: 'grid',
// alignment style
// options: 'grid' and 'masonry'
columns: 3,
// number of columns
gutter: 30,
// space between columns and rows
// accepts number (px) or class selector ('.gutter')
draggable: false,
// allow or disable drag functionality
compact: false,
// if layout is set to 'masonry', this will make rows as even as possible
<div class="slider-container">
<div class="slider-element">...</div>
import { Slider } from 'tbd';
let slider = new Slider('.slider-container', {
// options with defaults
itemSelector: '.slider-element',
// sliding elements class name
gutter: 30,
// space between columns and rows
// accepts number (px) or class selector ('.gutter')
arrows: false
// previous/next arrows
stay tuned for more ...
Created by Milkshake Studio