- Publish/Play (H264/AAC)
- Action Message Format (AMF0/AMF3)
Use RTMPPlayLayer class play rtmp video
Play Action
displayLayer.play(host: "rtmp://", name: "BigBuckBunny_115k.mov")
displayLayer.seek(duration: 100)
Pause / UnPause
displayLayer.pause() displayLayer.unPause()
Status Check
displayLayer.playStatus { [unowned self] (status) in switch status { case .connect: self.pauseBtn.isHidden = false self.btnPlay.setTitle("Disconnected", for: .normal) case .failed(let err): print(err) case .unknown: self.pauseBtn.isHidden = true case .disconnected: self.btnPlay.setTitle("Play", for: .normal) case .pause: self.pauseBtn.setTitle("Resume", for: .normal) case .playStart: self.pauseBtn.setTitle("Pause", for: .normal) break } }
Use RTMPPublishLayer class publish video on server
Auth Layer
publishLayer.authVideoAudio { (rc) in if !rc { let alert = UIAlertController.init(title: "Error", message: "you need auth your microphone and camera", preferredStyle: .alert) let action = UIAlertAction.init(title: "confirm", style: .default, handler: nil) alert.addAction(action) } }
publishLayer.publish(host: host, name: name)
publishLayer.publish(host: host, name: name)
Status Check
publishLayer.publishStatus { (status) in switch status { case .unknown, .disconnected: self.btnConnect.setTitle("Publish", for: .normal) case .connect: self.btnConnect.setTitle("Disconnect", for: .normal) case .failed(_): self.btnConnect.setTitle("Publish", for: .normal) case .publishStart: break } }
publishLayer.videoFPS = 30
pod 'MMRtmp'
MillmanY, [email protected]
MMRtmp is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.