Usage: [-c day : Set day of week] [-d ID : Delete specific Backup] [-v : Verify settings] [-r : Performs Backup] [-l : Lists Backups] [-h : Detailed Help Page]
-c : Choose day of the week to manage.
Example : -c Sunday
-d : Delete specific backup file. Use -v to find ID of file on Google Drive.
Example : -d 0B3oLpdWVoonmemtxQklFYXBTZHM
-v : Verifies settings and file locations. Also lists backups for selected day.
-r : Performs backup. Must be set for backup to be performed and uploaded.
-l : Lists backups for specified day.
-h : Displays this help page.
Filenames will resemble: Saturday-hostname.tar, Monday-hostname.tar, etc. Backups are placed in a folder named “plesk2gdrive-hostname” on Google Drive.
- A backup file will not be created unless you use the -r option.
- Run the -v option to verify your configuration is correct before attempting to use the -r option.
- Make sure you verify line #38 to ensure it is compatible with your system configuration.
- Running the -v option will download any missing files and create a plesk2gdrive-hostname folder on Google Drive.
Created by Brian Aldridge 2014
Modified by MilloLab 2016
Modified again by sdineley 2017