I used to work with these two instruments during my bachelor thesis and I thought it could be useful share with you what I made to make data more readable by using graphs and charts.
Clone the repository or download the source code
git clone https://github.com/Milziade/FMPS-analisi.git
Move to the FMPS-analisi folder, open your terminal and type:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now it's ready to use!
This repo helps you visualize data obtained from FMPS analysis and GRIMM analysis. After starting your local server, you can open your browser and navigate to
Upload your file and submit.
In the next page you will see acquisition span, date and time and the file name. You will also find single-size line, heatmap, 3D visualization and total concentration v. time.
You can zoom and download the graphs without any problem thanks to Plotly library