SCC is supposed to be a light weight productivity library for SystemC and TLM 2.0 based modeling tasks using C++11.
Here is a short list of features.
Extended logging and log configuration implementation
This is built on top of the SystemC report implementation and allows use of iostream based logging as well as instance based log level connfiguration
Config file reader and configuration handler
The configurer allows to read a JSON file and apply the values to cci_param as well as to sc_attributes. This can be used for instance-based logging as well as instance-based trace configuration
Automatic tracer
The tracer(s) allow to automatically discover signals and sc_variables (see below) and register them with the trace file. If the configurer is being used the tracing can be controlled on an per-instance base
Various optimized trace file implementations
Tracing TLM2 Sockets
TLM2.0 compliant sockets which can be configured to trace transactions passing thru them using the SCV transaction recording facilities. The project is set-up to be used with Eclipse CDT and its build system
Stripped down version of SCV
To reduce the dependency SCC comes with a stripped down version of Accelleras SystemC Verification (SCV) library. This library does not support introspection and randomization anymore, its primary purpose is to enable transaction recording. Those traces can be visualized using SCViewer.
Extended and optimized transaction recording database(s)
Aside of the SCV text file format SCC comes with other file format writer. scv_tr_sqlite is a SQLite based database back-end for the SystemC Verification library (SCV) transaction recording infrastructure while scv_tr_compressed is a text base database back-end with compression to reduce the file size. These format are also supporte by the SCViewer.
A plain C/C++ variable wrapper to access a storage location via the SystemC object tree. It allows also to register value change observers to react on changes.
A resource wrapper to access a storage location via a TLM 2.0 socket. It allows to register read and write callback to implement register functionality upon reading/writing the register.
A component distributing TLM2.0 accesses to target resources e.g. sysc::sc_register
A simple component to route TLM2.0 accesses of a set of masters to a set of targets based on generic payload addresses
various TLM2.0 AT and pin-level adapters for common bus protocols like
The full documentation can be found at the Github pages
If SystemC is build using cmake with SC_WITH_PHASE_CALLBACK_TRACING=ON
(which is the default for SystemC 2.3.4), tracing will not work. Either SystemC is being installed with SC_WITH_PHASE_CALLBACK_TRACING=ON (which is the prefered way as this setting is in sync with the automake configure configuration, see accellera-official/systemc#24) or the SCC is being build using SC_WITH_PHASE_CALLBACK_TRACING=ON
The repo is cmake based and (preferably) uses conan. Make sure that you have at least cmake 3.20 and conan version <2.0 installed. There are known issues with conan 2.x. Other combinations may work, but are not tested.
The suggested build steps are:
- create a build directory and enter into it
- execute cmake with applicable options
- execute build
- install build
- run tests
For example:
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<some install path>
cmake --build build -j16
cmake --build build --target test
cmake --build build --target install
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<some install path>
cmake --build build --config Release
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
SCC comes with an install script which installs SCC and all needed libraries incl. Boost and SystemC in one go:
curl -s | INSTALL_ROOT=<install dir> bash
The script can also be downloaded and run with the install dir as argument:
curl >
bash <install dir>