│ .gitignore # Git ignore file
│ changelog.txt # Changelog
│ README.md # This file
│ Report.pdf # Report
├───.ipynb_checkpoints # Checkpoint folder
│ preprocessing-checkpoint.ipynb # Checkpoint file
├───column # Column folder: explain the meaning of each column
│ Columns.csv # Column file
│ Columns.xlsx # Column file
├───evaluating # Evaluating folder: contains the evaluating results
│ all_scores.csv
│ all_scores_2.csv
│ result.csv
│ scores.csv
│ scores_2.csv
├───features # Features folder: contains the features of the model (after preprocessing and extracting)
│ processed.csv # Processed file
├───full_data # Full data folder: contains the full data after crawling
│ data.csv # Full data file
│ part_1.csv
│ part_2.csv
│ part_3.csv
│ part_4.csv
│ part_5.csv
├───id_data # ID data folder: contains the ID data
│ books_id.csv
│ categories_id.csv
│ id_df.json
└───notebooks # Notebooks folder: contains the notebooks
crawl.ipynb # Crawl data from TIKI
models.ipynb # Models
preprocessing.ipynb # Preprocessing
question.ipynb # Answer the questions
- Crawl data from TIKI via API using several libraries: json, requests, pandas, time, tqdm, ... then save the data to csv files.
- Crawl id data: books_id.csv, categories_id.csv, id_df.json
- Crawl each part of data: part_1.csv, part_2.csv, part_3.csv, part_4.csv, part_5.csv
- Merge all parts of data to data.csv
- Preprocess the data: remove duplicates, remove outliers, remove unnecessary columns, rows, use regex to extract features, ...
- Save the processed data to csv file.
- Why are there duplicate names of books?
- How does the low average rating affect?
- Are book covers and editions of books a significant factor that customers prioritize when hunting for books?
- How are books that receive a lot of customer attention and reviews typically promoted or offered with discounts?
- Do the number of pages and the book cover have an impact on the pricing of books?
- What are the current trends and conditions of books in today's market? => Answer the questions by using data analysis and visualization.
- Use the processed data to build models.
- Perform categorical and numerical analysis.
- Identify the features that have the most impact on the discount percentage of books.
- Observe the distribution of the features to determine the ouliers and data centrality.
- Split the data into training and testing sets.
- Define a pipeline to preprocess numerical and categorical data.
- Final, use the processed data to build some models (Linear Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, TranformTargetRegressor) and choose the best model and best hyperparameters by using RandomizedSearchCV.
- Evaluate the models by using MAE, MSE, ... and save the results to csv files.