This is the repository that contains manifest.json
, which is used by all RoveComm implementations as a schema for
sending and parsing RoveComm packets. These are the current implementations of RoveComm so far:
- RoveComm_Arduino -- Used by embedded microcontrollers. Written for the Arduino framework.
- RoveComm_CPP -- Used by Autonomy_Software and the Simulator. Written in multithreaded C++.
- RoveComm_Python -- Used by RoveCommTester and Old Autonomy. It is also used where shell scripts need to interact with RoveComm, such as on NavBoard and on the Camera PIs.
- RoveComm_CSharp -- Used by New BaseStation. Written for C# .NET projects. Hosted on
- RoveComm_TypeScript -- Used by Old BaseStation. Written for Node.js apps.
- Though not actively maintained, there are also implementations for Dart and Swift.
name | dataId | type | count | description |
DriveLeftRight | 3000 | FLOAT_T |
2 | [LeftSpeed, RightSpeed] (-1, 1)-> (-100%, 100%) |
DriveIndividual | 3001 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [LF, LM, LR, RF, RM, RR] (-1, 1)-> (-100%, 100%) |
WatchdogOverride | 3002 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-override off, 1-override on] |
LeftDriveGimbalIncrement | 3003 | INT16_T |
1 | [Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
RightDriveGimbalIncrement | 3004 | INT16_T |
1 | [Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
LeftMainGimbalIncrement | 3005 | INT16_T |
2 | [Pan, Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
RightMainGimbalIncrement | 3006 | INT16_T |
2 | [Pan, Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
BackDriveGimbalIncrement | 3007 | INT16_T |
1 | [Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
LEDRGB | 3008 | UINT8_T |
3 | [R, G, B] (0, 255) |
LEDPatterns | 3009 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Pattern] (Enum) |
StateDisplay | 3010 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Teleop, Autonomy, Reached Goal] (enum) |
Brightness | 3011 | UINT8_T |
1 | Set Brightness (0-255) |
SetWatchdogMode | 3012 | UINT8_T |
1 | 0: Teleop, 1: Autonomy |
LEDText | 3013 | CHAR |
256 | Set the message to display on the lighting panel; null terminator ends string early |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
DriveSpeeds | 3100 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [LF, LM, LR, RF, RM, RR] (-1, 1)-> (-100%, 100%) |
IMUData | 3101 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] degrees |
AccelerometerData | 3102 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [xAxis, yAxis, zAxis] Accel in m/s^2 |
0: Teleop
1: Autonomy
2: Reached_Goal
5: MCD
name | dataId | type | count | description |
EStop | 4000 | UINT8_T |
1 | Power off all systems except network (PMS will stay on) |
Suicide | 4001 | UINT8_T |
1 | Power off all systems including network, cannot recover without physical reboot (PMS will stay on) |
Reboot | 4002 | UINT8_T |
1 | Cycle all systems including network off and back on (PMS will stay on) |
EnableBus | 4003 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Motor, Core, Aux] (bitmasked) [1-Enable, 0-No change] |
DisableBus | 4004 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Motor, Core, Aux] (bitmasked) [1-Disable, 0-No change] |
SetBus | 4005 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Motor, Core, Aux] (bitmasked) [1-Enable, 0-Disable] |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
PackCurrent | 4100 | FLOAT_T |
1 | Total current draw from battery |
PackVoltage | 4101 | FLOAT_T |
1 | Pack voltage |
CellVoltage | 4102 | FLOAT_T |
6 | C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 |
AuxCurrent | 4103 | FLOAT_T |
1 | Current draw by aux systems (before 12V buck) |
MiscCurrent | 4104 | FLOAT_T |
3 | Current draw from other devices (CS1, CS2, CS3) |
BusStatus | 4105 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Motor, Core, Aux, Network] (bitmasked) [1-Enabled, 0-Disabled] |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
PackOvercurrent | 4200 | UINT8_T |
1 | Higher current draw than the battery can support. Rover will Reboot automatically |
CellUndervoltage | 4201 | UINT8_T |
1 | (bitmasked) [1-Undervolt, 0-OK]. Rover will EStop automatically |
CellCritical | 4202 | UINT8_T |
1 | (bitmasked) [1-Critical, 0-OK]. Rover will Suicide automatically |
AuxOvercurrent | 4203 | UINT8_T |
1 | Aux system current draw too high. Rover will disable Aux bus automatically |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
GPSLatLonAlt | 6100 | DOUBLE_T |
3 | [Lat, Long, Alt] [(-90, 90), (-180, 180)(deg), (0, 1000)] |
IMUData | 6101 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [Pitch, Yaw, Roll] [(-90, 90), (0, 360), (-90, 90)] (deg) |
CompassData | 6102 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [Heading] [ 0, 360 ] |
SatelliteCountData | 6103 | UINT8_T |
1 | [Number of satellites] |
AccelerometerData | 6104 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [xAxis, yAxis, zAxis] Accel in m/s^2 |
AccuracyData | 6105 | FLOAT_T |
5 | [horizontal_accur, vertical_accur, heading_accur, fix_type, is_differentia] [meters, meters, degrees, ublox_navpvt fix type (, boolean] |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
GPSLockError | 6200 | UINT8_T |
1 |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
OpenLoop | 7000 | INT16_T |
1 | Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
SetAngleTarget | 7001 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [Heading] [0, 360) |
SetGPSTarget | 7002 | DOUBLE_T |
4 | [Rover Lat, Rover Long, Basestation Lat, Basestation Long] [Lat:(-90, 90), Long:(-180, 180)] (deg) |
WatchdogOverride | 7003 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-override off, 1-override on] |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
CompassAngle | 7100 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [Heading] [0, 360) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
WatchdogStatus | 7200 | UINT8_T |
1 | (1-Watchdog timeout, 0-OK) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
SetIndividualSpeeds | 8000 | INT16_T |
6 | [X, J2, J3, J4, P, R] Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
SetJointSpeed | 8001 | INT16_T |
2 | [JointID, Decipercent] Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
SetIndividualTargetAngles | 8002 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, J2, J3, J4, P, R] (in, deg, deg, deg, deg, deg) |
SetJointTargetAngle | 8003 | FLOAT_T |
2 | [JointID, Position] (in for id 0, deg otherwise) |
IncrementIndividualTargetAngles | 8004 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, J2, J3, J4, P, R] (in, deg, deg, deg, deg, deg) |
IncrementJointTargetAngle | 8005 | FLOAT_T |
2 | [JointID, Angle] (in for id 0, deg otherwise) |
SetIKPosition | 8006 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, Y, Z, J4, P, R] (in, in, in, deg, deg, deg) |
IncrementIKPosition | 8007 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, Y, Z, J4, P, R] (in, in, in, deg, deg, deg) |
SetLockModePosition | 8008 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [J4, P, R] (deg, deg, deg) |
IncrementLockModePosition | 8009 | FLOAT_T |
3 | [J4, P, R] (deg, deg, deg) |
Laser | 8010 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-disable, 1-enable] |
Solenoid | 8011 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-retract, 1-extend] |
SetGripperSpeed | 8012 | INT16_T |
1 | Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
WatchdogOverride | 8013 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-override off, 1-override on] (bitmasked) |
LimitSwitchOverride | 8014 | UINT16_T |
1 | [X+, X-, J2+, J2-, J3+, J3-, J4+, J4-, P] (0-override off, 1-override on) (bitmasked) |
ClosedLoopOverride | 8015 | UINT8_T |
1 | [X, J2, J3, J4, P, R] (0-override off, 1-override on) (bitmasked) |
CalibrateEncoder | 8016 | UINT8_T |
1 | [X, Roll] (1-calibrate, 0-no action) (bitmasked) |
SoftLimitOverride | 8017 | UINT16_T |
1 | [X+, X-, J2+, J2-, J3+, J3-, J4+, J4-, P+, P-] (0-override off, 1-override on) (bitmasked) |
EStop | 8018 | UINT8_T |
1 | Shut off all motors (set decipercents to 0 and disable closed loop) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
Positions | 8100 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, J2, J3, J4, P, R] (in, deg, deg, deg, deg, deg) |
Coordinates | 8101 | FLOAT_T |
6 | [X, Y, Z, J4, P, R] (in, in, in, deg, deg, deg) |
LimitSwitchTriggered | 8102 | UINT16_T |
1 | [X+, X-, J2+, J2-, J3+, J3-, J4+, J4-, P] (0-off, 1-on) (bitmasked) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
WatchdogStatus | 8200 | UINT8_T |
1 | (1-Watchdog timeout, 0-OK) |
0: X
1: J2
2: J3
3: J4
name | dataId | type | count | description |
AugerAxis_OpenLoop | 9000 | INT16_T |
1 | Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
AugerAxis_SetPosition | 9001 | FLOAT_T |
1 | Absolute position (in) |
AugerAxis_IncrementPosition | 9002 | FLOAT_T |
1 | (in) |
LimitSwitchOverride | 9003 | UINT8_T |
1 | [AugerAxis+, AugerAxis-] (0-override off, 1-override on) (bitmasked) |
CalibrateEncoder | 9004 | UINT8_T |
1 | Request calibration of the AugerAxis encoder |
Auger | 9005 | INT16_T |
1 | Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
WatchdogOverride | 9006 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-override off, 1-override on] |
RequestTemperature | 9007 | UINT8_T |
1 | Request a reading of the temperature at the end of the auger |
RequestHumidity | 9008 | UINT8_T |
1 | Request a reading of the humidity at the end of the auger |
UVLED | 9009 | UINT8_T |
1 | Ultraviolet LED on AutoFluorescence (0-off, 1-on) |
AugerGimbalIncrement | 9010 | INT16_T |
2 | [Pan, Tilt](degrees -180-180) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
Position | 9100 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [AugerAxis] (in) |
AugerSpeed | 9101 | FLOAT_T |
1 | (in/s) |
LimitSwitchTriggered | 9102 | UINT8_T |
1 | [AugerAxis+, AugerAxis-] (0-off, 1-on) (bitmasked) |
Temperature | 9103 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [Temperature] (degrees C) |
Humidity | 9104 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [Humidity] (relative humidity %) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
WatchdogStatus | 9200 | UINT8_T |
1 | (1-Watchdog timeout, 0-OK) |
AugerStalled | 9201 | UINT8_T |
1 | (1-Stalled, 0-OK) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
StartAutonomy | 11000 | UINT8_T |
1 | Start Autonomy_Software |
DisableAutonomy | 11001 | UINT8_T |
1 | Return Autonomy_Software to Idle state |
AddPositionLeg | 11002 | DOUBLE_T |
2 | [Lat, Lon] |
AddMarkerLeg | 11003 | DOUBLE_T |
4 | [Lat, Lon, MarkerID, MarkerRadius (meters)] |
AddObjectLeg | 11004 | DOUBLE_T |
3 | [Lat, Lon, ObjectRadius (meters)] |
ClearWaypoints | 11005 | UINT8_T |
1 | Clear queued positions, markers, and objects waypoints. |
SetMaxSpeed | 11006 | FLOAT_T |
1 | A multiplier from 0.0 to 1.0 that will scale the max power effort of Autonomy |
SetLoggingLevels | 11007 | UINT8_T |
3 | [Enum (AUTONOMYLOG), Enum (AUTONOMYLOG), Enum (AUTONOMYLOG)] {Console, File, RoveComm} |
AddObstacle | 11008 | DOUBLE_T |
3 | [Lat, Lon, ObstacleRadius (meters)] |
ClearObstacles | 11009 | UINT8_T |
1 | Clear queued permanent obstacles. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
CurrentState | 11100 | UINT8_T |
ReachedGoal | 11101 | UINT8_T |
1 | |
CurrentLog | 11102 | CHAR |
255 | String version of most current error log |
0: Idle
1: Navigating
2: SearchPattern
3: ApproachingMarker
4: ApproachingObject
5: VerifyingGPS
6: VerifyingMarker
7: VerifyingObject
8: Avoidance
9: Reversing
10: Stuck
0: TraceL3
1: TraceL2
2: TraceL1
3: Debug
4: Info
5: Notice
6: Warning
7: Error
8: Critical
name | dataId | type | count | description |
ChangeCameras | 12000 | UINT8_T |
2 | Change which camera a feed is looking at. [0] is the feed, [1] is the camera to view. |
TakePicture | 12001 | UINT8_T |
2 | Take a picture with the current camera. [0] is the camera to take a picture with. [1] tells the camera whether to restart the stream afterwards. |
ToggleStream1 | 12002 | UINT8_T |
2 | Stop the current camera stream. [0] is the camera to stop streaming. [1] is whether to restart the stream. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
AvailableCameras | 12100 | UINT8_T |
1 | Bitmask values for which cameras are able to stream. LSB is Camera 0, MSB is Camera 7. |
StreamingCameras | 12101 | UINT8_T |
4 | Which cameras the system is currently streaming on each port |
PictureTaken1 | 12102 | UINT8_T |
1 | Picture has been taken. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
CameraUnavailable | 12200 | UINT8_T |
1 | Camera has errored and stopped streaming. [0] is ID of camera as an integer (not bitmask). |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
TakePicture | 13001 | UINT8_T |
2 | Take a picture with the current camera. [0] is the camera to take a picture with. [1] tells the camera whether to restart the stream afterwards. |
ToggleStream2 | 13002 | UINT8_T |
2 | Stop the current camera stream. [0] is the camera to stop streaming. [1] is whether to restart the stream. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
PictureTaken2 | 13100 | UINT8_T |
1 | Picture has been taken. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
TakePhoto | 14000 | UINT8_T |
1 | Take a picture with the current camera. [0] is the camera to take a picture with. |
ToggleStream | 14001 | UINT8_T |
2 | Stop the current camera stream. [0] is the camera to stop streaming. [1] is the action (0 = Shutdown, 1 = Startup, 2 = Restart). |
AdjustBrightness | 14002 | UINT8_T |
2 | Adjust brightness level (0-255). [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the brightness level. |
AdjustContrast | 14003 | UINT8_T |
2 | Adjust contrast level (0-255). [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the contrast level. |
AdjustSaturation | 14004 | UINT8_T |
2 | Adjust saturation level (0-255). [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the saturation level. |
AdjustHue | 14005 | UINT8_T |
2 | Adjust hue level (0-255). [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the hue level. |
SetWhiteBalance | 14008 | UINT8_T |
2 | Set white balance temperature. [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the white balance level. |
AdjustBacklightContrast | 14009 | UINT8_T |
2 | Adjust backlight contrast level (0-255). [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the backlight contrast level. |
SetExposure | 14010 | INT32_T |
2 | Set exposure level. [0] is the camera ID, [1] is the exposure level. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
AvailableCameras | 14100 | UINT8_T |
1 | Bitmask values for which cameras are able to stream. LSB is Camera 0, MSB is Camera 7. |
StreamingCameras | 14101 | UINT8_T |
4 | Which cameras the system is currently streaming on each port |
PictureTaken1 | 14102 | UINT8_T |
1 | Picture has been taken. |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
CameraUnavailable | 14200 | UINT8_T |
1 | Camera has errored and stopped streaming. [0] is ID of camera as an integer (not bitmask). |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
InstrumentsAxis_OpenLoop | 16000 | INT16_T |
1 | Motor decipercent [-1000, 1000] |
InstrumentsAxis_SetPosition | 16001 | FLOAT_T |
1 | Absolute position (in) |
InstrumentsAxis_IncrementPosition | 16002 | FLOAT_T |
1 | (in) |
LimitSwitchOverride | 16003 | UINT8_T |
1 | [InstrumentsAxis+, InstrumentsAxis-] (0-override off, 1-override on) (bitmasked) |
CalibrateEncoder | 16004 | UINT8_T |
1 | Request calibration of the InstrumentsAxis encoder |
WatchdogOverride | 16005 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-override off, 1-override on] |
Laser | 16006 | UINT8_T |
1 | [0-disable, 1-enable] |
RequestRamanReading | 16007 | UINT32_T |
1 | Start a Raman reading, with the provided integration time (milliseconds) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
Position | 16100 | FLOAT_T |
1 | [InstrumentsAxis] (in) |
LimitSwitchTriggered | 16101 | UINT8_T |
1 | [InstrumentsAxis+, InstrumentsAxis-] (0-off, 1-on) (bitmasked) |
RamanReading_Part1 | 16102 | UINT16_T |
512 | Raman CCD elements 1-512 |
RamanReading_Part2 | 16103 | UINT16_T |
512 | Raman CCD elements 513-1024 |
RamanReading_Part3 | 16104 | UINT16_T |
512 | Raman CCD elements 1025-1536 |
RamanReading_Part4 | 16105 | UINT16_T |
512 | Raman CCD elements 1537-2048 |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
WatchdogStatus | 16200 | UINT8_T |
1 | (1-Watchdog timeout, 0-OK) |
name | dataId | type | count | description |
Ultrasonic1 | 99100 | FLOAT_T |
2 | Ultrasonic sensor distance reading in centimeters (cm). Value ranges from 0.00 to 500.00 cm |
name | ip |
BasestationSwitch | |
RoverSwitch | |
Rover900MHzRocket | |
Basestation900MHzRocket | |
Rover5GHzRocket | |
Basestation5GHzRocket | |
Rover2_4GHzRocket | |
Basestation2_4GHzRocket | |
name | ip | port | device |
DriveCamLeft | |
50000 |
0 |
DriveCamRight | |
50000 |
1 |
GimbalCamLeft | |
50000 |
2 |
GimbalCamRight | |
50000 |
3 |
BackCam | |
50000 |
4 |
AuxCam1 | |
50000 |
5 |
AuxCam2 | |
50000 |
6 |
AuxCam3 | |
50000 |
7 |
AuxCam4 | |
50000 |
8 |
Microscope | |
50000 |
9 |