Releases: Mixeway/Flow
Releases · Mixeway/Flow
v1.2.0 Release
v1.1.0 Release
##[ 1.1.0] - 2025-01-31
- Filtering on the Team management
- Filtering on the Manage Users
- Finding commenting system
- Links to the code to repo from the finding
v1.0.6 Release
[1.0.6] - 2024-11-21
- Solved performance issues for thereat intel module
- Fixed link with merge request webhook comment
- Adjusted merge request comment text
v1.0.5 Release
[1.0.5] - 2024-11-05
- added selection of displayed rows in tables in show repository view
- added and optimized the way of how scan info is displayed
- added possibility to filter scan infos for branch or commit id
- Proper throttling and wait between tests executed via webhook
- scan info default sort is date
v1.0.3 Release
[1.0.3] - 2024-10-27
- Bulk action on findings
- Possibility to define suppress rules
v1.0.1 Release
[1.0.1] - 2024-09-25
- TEAM_MANAGER role can run manual scan via GUI and via API
- Enlarged parallel scan pool from 5 to 15
- Provided
to enchance python support for SCA - It is visible when scan is currently running
- Performance issues that occurs while having 300+ imported repositories on dashboard and component view
v1.0.0 Release
- Merge request and Pull Request commenting
- Full Webhook support for both GitLab and GitHub
- It is visible when scan is currently running
- Added Possibility to run scan manually form UI
- Possibility to generate sbom on the fly without needing it to be existing in the repository
- Filtering main table with repos now work properly
- Problem related with scans done with Bearer due to missing rules
- Race condition during component creation
- Problem with setting status of a scan when something wrong
v0.9.2-beta Release
[0.9.2] - 02.10.2024
- GitHub Integration - possibility to import by on
- Problem with too low limits of length for data such as vulnerability name or component name
- Problem with importing BULK Repositories: table contains all gitlab projects including project without membership but public. Current version shows only project inserted accesstoken is member of.
v0.9.1-beta Release
[0.9.1] - 2024-08-263
- SSO integration introduced
- Adjusted scripts to support SSO
- Increased efficiency of running scans in parallel
v0.9.0-beta Release
[0.9.0] - 2024-08-13
- Release of initial version - beta
- Import bulk repositories
- Import single repository
- Perform SAST, SCA, Secret and IAC scans
- Manage Teams
- Manage Users
- Show statistics
- Manage vulnerabilities and components