curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# To compile and install native addons from npm you may also need to install build tools:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
# bower
sudo npm install -g bower
# gulp
sudo npm install -g gulp
# json-server
sudo npm install -g json-server
# karma
sudo npm install -g karma-cli
# protractor
sudo npm install -g protractor
# Yo
sudo npm install -g yo
# Generators
sudo npm install -g generator-angular
- Angular
- Ember
- Backbone
- React
- Aurelia
- Meteor
- Polymer
- Knockout
- Vue
- Mercury
- Two-way Data Binding
- Scope
- Directives
- Templates
- Routing
- Testing
- Modules
- Controllers
- Filters
- Factory
- Service
- Provider
To use AngularJS, just include the angular code to the html file.
<script src="scripts/angular.min.js"></script>
- data-*; attributes (Bootstrap/jQuery)
- Angular: ng-* attributes / data-ng-*
Is applied to specify the root of the application.
The ngModel directive binds the input value to a variable within the scope.
<div class="media-body">
<p> {{dish.description}} </p>
<p>Comment: {{dish.comment}} </p>
<p>Type your comment: <input type="text" ng-model="dish.comment"></p>
To evaluate an expression or initialize a JavaScript variable
<p ng-init="index = 1"> </p>
<div class="row row-content" ng-init="dish= { name:'Uthapizza', ... } "> </div>
Is simple JavaScript expression:
- Evaluated against an Angular scope object
- No conditionals, loops or exceptions
- Expressions enclosed in {{ expression }} Example:
<p>6 + 5 = {{ 6 + 5 }}</p>
<div class="media-body">
<h2 class="media-heading"> {{}} </h2>
<p> {{dish.description}} </p>
Loops over items in a collection and instantiates a template for each item.
<ul class="media-list">
<li class="media" ng-repeat="dish in dishes">
An Angular module is a collection of:
- Controllers
- Directives
- Filters
- Services
- Other configuration information
<html ngApp=“confusionApp”>
<script> var app = angular.module(‘confusionApp’,[]); </script>
Angular Controller is JavaScript object containing attributes/properties and functions. It exposes variables and functionality to expressions and directives. A controller can e defined using a ng-controller directive on an HTML element.
<div class="row row-content" ng-controller="menuController as menuCtrl">
var app = angular.module('confusionApp',[]);
app.controller('menuController', function() { });
An Angular Filter format the value of an expression for display but do not modify the underlying data, can be used in view templates,controllers or services.
- uppercase / lowercase: converts the text
- currency: formats the number as a currency
- date: formats the date as per the formatting specified
- filter: selects a subset of an array based on the criteria specified and returns a new array
- orderBy: orders the array basedon the criteria specified
- others like json, limitTo etc.
<li class="media" ng-repeat="dish in menuCtrl.dishes | filter:menuCtrl.filtText"> … </li>
Var filtText = “”; = function(setTab) { = setTab;
if (setTab === 2)
this.filtText = "appetizer";
else if (setTab === 3)
this.filtText = "mains";
else if (setTab === 4)
this.filtText = "dessert";
else this.filtText = "";
- The service
- The client
- The interfaces
- The injector
- Inline array annotation
module.controller('MenuController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory) {
- $inject property annotation
var MenuController = function($scope, menuFactory) {
MenuController.$inject = ['$scope', 'menuFactory'];
module.controller('MenuController', MenuController);
- Implicit annotation
module.controller('MenuController', function($scope, menuFactory){
- Substitutable objects wired together using ID
- Allows organizing and sharing code across an app
- Lazily instantiated
- Singletons
AN Angular's built-in service always start with '$' and being injected using DI. ex. $http, $scope, $rootScope, $location, $parse, $templateCache, $animate, $injector Five functions that declare services:
- service()
- factory()
- provider()
- constant()
- value()
// Declaration of Factory
.factory('menuFactory', function() {
var menufac = {};
var dishes = [ … ];
menufac.getDishes = function() {
return dishes;
menufac.getDish = function (index) {
return dishes[index];
return menufac;
// Usage of Factory
.controller('MenuController', ['$scope',
'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory)
$scope.dishes = menuFactory.getDishes();
// Declaration of Service
.service('menuFactory', function() {
var dishes = [ … ];
this.getDishes = function() {
return dishes;
this.getDish = function (index) {
return dishes[index];
// Usage of Service is exactly the same as Factory
<div ng-include="'menu.html'"></div>
<ng-include src="'menu.html'"></ng-include>
Hyperlink that specifies a link to a searchable or indexed piece of web content. Example:
The section after the '#' sign called hash. Any change to the hash portion does not cause a page reload.
- Expose the current URL in the browser address bar:
- watch and observe the URL
- change the URL
- Synchroniwes the URL with the browser when the user:
- changes the address bar
- clicks the back/forward buttons
- clicks on a link
- Allows you to manipulate the hash portion of a URL
- url(): get/set the URL
- path(): get/set the path
- search(): get/set the search part
- hash(): get/set the hash part
- Install
bower install angular-route -S
Manages the interaction between the $location service and the rendered view
Dependency injection into the module:
An Angular provider that enables mapping from the routes to handlers. Handler are an object that defines template URL and controller.
angular.module('confusionApp', ['ngRoute'])
.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/contactus', { // route for the contactus page
templateUrl : 'contactus.html', controller : 'ContactController'
.when('/menu', { // route for the menu pag
templateUrl : 'menu.html', controller : 'MenuController'
.when('/menu/:id', { // route for the dish details page
templateUrl : 'dishdetail.html', controller : 'DishDetailController'
- menu.html:
<a ng-href="#/menu/{{dish._id}}"></a>
- DishDetailController:
.controller('DishDetailController', ['$scope', '$routeParams',
'menuFactory', function($scope, $routeParams, menuFactory) {
var dish= menuFactory.getDish(parseInt($,10));
$ = dish;
Works together with $route service to include the rendered template of the current route into the main layout Usage:
<div ng-view></div>
- Differ to ngView, a page can have more than one UI-Router.
- UI-Router based on the state of the application
- support multiple views and nested views
bower install angular-ui-router -S
angular.module('confusionApp', ['ui.router'])
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('app', { // route for the home page
views: {
'header': { templateUrl : 'views/header.html' },
'content': { template : '<h1>To be Completed</h1>', controller : 'IndexController' },
'footer': { templateUrl : 'views/footer.html' }
.state('app.aboutus', { // route for the aboutus page
views: {
'content@': { template: '<h1>To be Completed</h1>', controller : 'AboutController' }
Indicates where to include the views
<div ui-view="header"></div>
<div ui-view="content"></div>
<div ui-view="footer"></div>
- Use ui-sref="state" to indicate which state to move to when clicked
<a ui-sref="app"></a>
<a ui-sref="app.aboutus"></a>
<a ui-sref=""></a>
- Corresponding href will be generated upon compilation
- menu.html
<a ui-sref="app.dishdetails({id: dish._id})"> . . . </a>
.controller('DishDetailController', ['$scope', '$stateParams',
'menuFactory', function($scope, $stateParams, menuFactory) {
var dish= menuFactory.getDish(parseInt($,10));
$ = dish;
Core Angular service to communicate with servers using the HTTP protocol via the browser's XMLHttpRequest or JSONP
Angular $q service: run functions asynchronously and use the return value (or exceptions) when they are done processing
- The $http service returns a promise:
$http({method: 'GET', url: '/dishes'})
.then(function() {...}, function() {...})
- Shortcut methods: $http.[get | put | post | delete | jsonp | head]()
$http.get(baseURL + "dishes")
function(response) {
$scope.dishes =;
$scope.showMenu = true;
fuction(response) {
$scope.message = "Error:" + response.status + " " + response.statusText;
Response of the HTTP request:
- String/object containing the body of the message
- response.status: status code
- response.headers: header information
- response.config: configuration object
- response.statusText: HTTP status text of the response
- The ngResource module provides a higher level abstraction than $http for interacting with a RESTful API server
- Not part of Angular core
bower install angular-resource -S
angular.module('confusionApp', ['ui.router', 'ngResource'])
- wrapper around a REST API to perform CRUD operations
- no need to deal with $http directly, higher level abstraction
- Dependency injection
.service(menuFactory', ['$resource', 'baseURL', function($resource, base URL') {
- Usage:
$resource(url, [paramDefault], [action], options);
{'get': {method: 'GET'},
'save': {method: 'POST'},
'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: true},
'remove': {method: 'DELETE'},
'delete': {method: 'DELETE'}};
$resource(baseURL + "dishes/:id", null, {'update': {method: 'PUT'}});
// $resource methods: .query(), .get(), .save(), .remove(), .delete()
$scope.dishes = $resource(baseURL + "dishes/:id", null,
{'update': {method: 'PUT'}}).query();
// '$' prefix can be used with all non GET methods
var dish = $resource(baseURL + "dishes/:id", null,
{'update': {methode: 'PUT'}}).get({id: 0}, function() { = "dovanut";
// Custom PUT request
$resource(baseURL + "dishes/:id", null, {'update': {method: 'PUT'}})
.update({id: $}, $;
// Error handling
$resource(baseURL + "dishes/:id", null, {'update': {method: 'PUT'}})
function(response) {
$scope.dishes = response;
$scope.showMenu = true;
function(response) {
$scope.message = "Error: " + response.status + " " + response.statusText;
- Node program that enables running of end-to-end tests
- Runs tests against your application running in a browser and interacting with it like a real user
- User WebDriver to control browsers to carry out the tests
- Selenium browser automation framework
- Can use Direct Connect to test with Chrome and Firefox
- Uses Jasmine for expression the test syntax
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: ['e2e/*.js'],
capabilities: {'browserName': 'chrome'},
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/',
framework: 'jasmine',
directConnect: true,
jasmineNodeOpts: {defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000}
'use strict';
describe('conFusion App E2E Testing', function() {
it('should automaticallyredirect to / when location hash/fragment is empty',
Function() {
describe('menu 0 item', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
it('should have a name', function() {
var name = element(by.binding(''));
expect(name.getText()).toEqual('Uthapizza npm install protractor -gHot $4.99');
it('should show the first comment author as', function() {
expect(element.all(by.repeater('comment in dish.comments'))
var author = element.all(by.repeater('comment in dish.comments'))
expect(author.getText()).toContain('25 Cent');
- Bower: Package Manager for the Web
- Grunt and Gulp: task automation
- Yo: Web App Scaffolding
- Yeoman: Workflow designed around using Yo, Bower and Grunt
- Quickly scaffold out new projects
- Hand crafting all the project folder hierarchy
- Assembling together all the tools
- Designing the Workflow
- Yo scaffolding tool takes care of:
- Scaffolding out your next application
- Generators to help you scaffold out your application
- Robust opinionated client-side stack
- Setting up all the tools for the Workflow
- leverages the successful open-sourc tools being used in the community
- Create a project folder
- Go to the project folder and type:
yo angular