Made by: Julian Mondragon (202221122) Ana Hernandez (202220870)
To check your program make sure to follow these instructions:
-- CONDITIONALS AND LOOPS-- Write ¨if-else¨, ¨repeat x times¨ and ¨while¨ instructions in just one code line.
-- DEFPROC -- When adding a defproc, write one brace per line. Then, write the instructions block between both braces. Instructions must be written in just one code line. Here is an example:
Example: defProc goNorth() {while can(walk(1,north)){walk(1,north)}}
-- CODE BLOCKS -- If you have block of instructions you must write them in one code line. For instance check: {jump (3 ,3) ; putCB (2 ,1)}
Do not press enter between code lines.
WARNING! Otherwise the verification process will fail.