Python script for handling the extraction/renaming and reimporting of wem files from Jedi Survivor. Please refer to for guideance on how to use.
This command is designed to extract and rename all of the game's wems with readable plain text names e.g. "308125441.wem" -> "vo_eff_dodge_lrg_002_rayvis.wem".
Options: -i, --input TEXT The name of the audio folder containing all of the raw extracted wems, bnks, xml and json from the game. -o, --output TEXT The name of the folder where all the named extracted audio should be placed after running the script. -l, --locres TEXT The path of the game.locres file exported as a json (using Fmodel). For voice lines this will result in the output csv containing subtitles matching each line. Leave this blank if you don't want to do this. --help Show this message and exit.
This command is designed to take modified .wem files and rename them from the plain text representations to the hashes the game uses e.g. "vo_eff_dodge_lrg_002_rayvis.wem" => "308125441.wem". This will also modify .bnks to modify precache .wems.
Options: -w, --wemfolder TEXT The name of the audio folder containing all of the wem files you wish hashed. For SFX you will need the .wems to be contained in subdirectories with names which match the name of the .bnk they came from. -b, --bnkfolder TEXT The name of the audio folder containing the extracted base game .bnks and their matching xml and json files. -o, --output TEXT The name of the folder where all the rehashed wems should be placed after running the script. -rs, --removesuffix TEXT Remove suffix of generated wem files when importing. E.G "vo_cin_011000_cor_ninthsister_8565 2_cal_3F75BDB9.wem" becomes "vo_cin_011000_cor_ninthsister_85652_cal.wem" --help Show this message and exit.