movecontrolnet - two handy tampermonkey scripts for changing your Stable Diffusion webUI (in a pretty hacky way):
A. cnaboveimages.js: moves the controlnet-tab above the image results
B. cninbetween.js: moves the controlnet-tab between the settings and the image results
- Works in txt2img and img2img-tab
- Tested with Firefox Tampermonkey extension and Stable Diffusion repos automatic1111, vladmandic and anapnoe.
- If it doesn't work, its likely due to ad blockers or similar extensions.
- Install Tampermonkey
- View the scriptfile and click the Raw button at the top of the file to view its source
- Copy the source
- Open Tampermonkey in your browser and add a script
- Paste the source into the script window and hit save.
- Run your browser / start the webui