Meeting times are Mondays from 3:30-4:30 pm CT (1:30-2:30 pm PT) in 409 Borlaug Hall (UMN) or Bio Sci 3622 (UCI). You can also join remotely via Zoom meeting ID 658-235-858 or join URL.
- Informal discussion centered on Population Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics, and Quantitative Genetics theory
- Focused on reading relevant books, classic literature, understanding modern tools and their applications, and interpretating results
We will discuss Statistical Population Genomics this spring. Please see below for a more detailed schedule.
A Population Genomics Lexicon.
Statistical Population Genomics
Break this week!
Processing and Analyzing Multiple Genomes Alignments with MafFilter.
Statistical Population Genomics
Exploring Population Structure with Admixture Models and Principal Component Analysis.
Statistical Population Genomics
Detecting Positive Selection in Populations Using Genetic Data.
Statistical Population Genomics
polyDFE: Inferring the Distribution of Fitness Effects and Properties of Beneficial Mutations from Polymorphism Data.
Statistical Population Genomics
MSMC and MSMC2: The Multiple Sequentially Markovian Coalescent.
Statistical Population Genomics
Ancestral Population Genomics with Jocx, a Coalescent Hidden Markov Model.
Statistical Population Genomics
Coalescent Simulation with msprime.
Statistical Population Genomics
Inference of Ancestral Recombination Graphs Using ARGweaver.
Statistical Population Genomics
Population Genomics of Transitions to Selfing in Brassicaceae Model Systems.
Statistical Population Genomics
Genomics of Long- and Short-Term Adaptation in Maize and Teosintes.
Statistical Population Genomics
Population Genomics of Fungal Plant Pathogens and the Analyses of Rapidly Evolving Genome Compartments.
Statistical Population Genomics
Population Genomics on the Fly: Recent Advances in Drosophila.
Statistical Population Genomics