Release 4.0
Release Notes: 4.0
The following summarizes the changes implemented in version 4.0
- Updates to documentation
- New project home page links
- Crosswalk of configuration options across versions
- New configuration options:
- mmalcam_name
- mmalcam_control_params
- camera_name
- camera_id
- camera_dir
- Enhanced functionality
- Support for the PI/MMAL camera
- Quality of movies via the ffmpeg_variable_bitrate option
- Automatic resize of mask to match image size
- Link addresses of images on web control page.
- Fixes
- Locking/freeing/corruptions for RTSP cameras.
- IPV6 addresses
- Movie FPS
- Timelapse corruptions
- Cross thread image corruptions
- configure and makefile fixes
- Known Issues:
- Build for MacOSX is not functional
- ffmpeg version 3.1 depreciation warnings