The source code of an interactive dashboard that allows you to explore the merit order of power plants in Europe. It plots the merit order (supply curve) of the respective power plants. It is using JRC-PPDB which contains over 7000 individual power plants. You can parametrize the plot by selecting different countries (or combinations thereof), different fuel and carbon price. There is also an interactive map that you can overview the selected power plants as well as a reporting Table.
Hosted in heroku. For the moment you can find it in the following link:
Please be a little patient after your first click as it is hosted in the free tier and it may take a while till the servers start spinning.
Fig.1 - Merit order of EU27 countries without carbon price. Fig.2 - Merit order of EU27 countries with a carbon price of 100 EUR/tnCO2eq. Fig.3 - Map of selected power plants.Open source and licensed under AGPL. Feel free to contribute.