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Catalogue Banner Available on:

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Catalogue is a universal mod list menu that is designed to work on all modloaders. Catalogue creates a rich experience for players by:

  • Having a modern and intuitive UI design
  • Giving you the option to search the mod list.
  • Filtering mods based on if they have an update, a config, and more.
  • Allowing you to Favourite a mod, which allows for quicker access when sorted by Favourite First.
  • Showing the dependencies of a mod by Right Click > Show Dependencies on a mod in the list.
  • Hiding libaries added by modloaders and mods.
  • Providing shortcuts to access a mod's configs, wesbite homepage, and submit issues to their tracker.

Catalogue automatically supports logo images of Forge/NeoForge mods, and Icons from Fabric mods. It will also utilise items from a mod if the icon is not present. If you're using Fabric, you can allow Mod Menu's config entrypoint to work with Catalogue using Menulogue.


By default, Catalogue will attempt to use an existing assets like Fabric's logo and NeoForge/Forge's logoFile. However Catalogue has additional branding options that give you full control over the look and feel of your mod. To learn more about this feature, see the Branding Guide.

Catalogue can be added to your workspace simply through CurseForge Maven.

repositories {
    exclusiveContent {
        forRepository {
            maven {
                name = "CurseForge"
                url = ""
        filter {
            includeGroup "curse.maven"

Then depending on your platform, implement the mod as follows and replace <file_id> with the id of a file coresponding to the version you want to include. You can find the list of files for Catalogue here. Simply click on a file and find the Curse Maven Snippet section and it will show the file id. Learn more about CurseMaven and its features at the offical website.

dependencies {
    // Fabric
    modRuntimeOnly "curse.maven:catalogue-459701:<file_id>"

    // NeoForge
    runtimeOnly "curse.maven:catalogue-459701:<file_id>"

    // Forge
    runtimeOnly fg.deobf("curse.maven:catalogue-459701:<file_id>")




A beautiful and modern mod menu for Forge, Fabric and NeoForge!







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