ngx-popper is an angular wrapper for the Popper.js library.
node and npm are required to run this package.
- Use npm/yarn to install the package:
$ npm install ngx-popper --save
$ yarn add ngx-popper --save
- You simply add into your module
import {NgxPopperModule} from 'ngx-popper';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
paths: {
// paths serve as alias
'npm:': 'libs/'
// map tells the System loader where to look for things
map: {
... ,
'ngx-popper': 'npm:ngx-popper',
'popper-directive.js': 'npm:ngx-popper',
'popper.module': 'npm:ngx-popper',
// packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension
packages: {
... ,
'ngx-popper': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'popper.js': {
main: 'popper-directive.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'popper.module': {
main: './popper.module.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
- Add to view:
<div [popper]="popper1Content"
<p class="bold">Hey!</p>
<p class="thin">Choose where to put your popper!</p>
<popper-content #popper1Content>
<p class="bold">Popper on bottom</p>
- As text:
<div [popper]="'As text'"
<p class="bold">Pop</p>
<p class="thin">on the bottom</p>
<div popper="{{someTextProperty}}"
[popperStyles]="{'background-color: 'blue''}",
<p class="bold">Pop</p>
<p class="thin">on the bottom</p>
- Position fixed, breaking overflow:
<div [popper]="'As text'"
- Specific target:
<div class="example">
<div #popperTargetElement></div>
<div [popper]="'As text'"
- hide/show programmatically:
<div [popper]="tooltipcontent"
<p class="bold">Pop</p>
<p class="thin">on the bottom</p>
<popper-content #tooltipcontent>
<p>This is a tooltip with text</p>
<span (click)="tooltipcontent.hide()">Close</div>
Attributes map:
Option Type Default Description popperDisableAnimation boolean false Disable the default animation on show/hide popperDisableStyle boolean false Disable the default styling popperDisabled boolean false Disable the popper, ignore all events popperDelay number 0 Delay time until popper it shown popperTimeout number 0 Set delay before the popper is hidden popperTimeoutAfterShow number 0 Set a time on which the popper will be hidden after it is shown popperPlacement Placement(string) auto The placement to show the popper relative to the reference element popperTarget HtmlElement auto Specify a different reference element other the the one hosting the directive popperBoundaries string(selector) undefined Specify a selector to serve as the boundaries of the element popperShowOnStart boolean false Popper default to show popperTrigger Trigger(string) hover Trigger/Event on which to show/hide the popper popperPositionFixed boolean false Set the popper element to use position: fixed popperHideOnClickOutside boolean true Popper will hide on a click outside popperHideOnScroll boolean false Popper will hide on scroll popperHideOnMouseLeave boolean false Popper will hide on mouse leave popperForceDetection boolean false Force the popper to trigger detection event, in case the parent component use onPush strategy popperModifiers popperModifier undefined popper.js custom modifiers hock popperApplyClass string undefined list of comma separated class to apply on ngpx__container popperStyles Object undefined Apply the styles object, aligned with ngStyles popperApplyArrowClass string undefined list of comma separated class to apply on ngpx__arrow popperOnShown EventEmitter $event Event handler when popper is shown popperOnHidden EventEmitter $event Event handler when popper is hidden popperAriaDescribeBy string undefined Define value for aria-describeby attribute popperAriaRole string popper Define value for aria-role attribute -
Override defaults:
Ngx-popper comes with a few default properties you can override in default to effect all instances These are overridden by any child attributes.
imports: [
NgxPopperModule.forRoot({placement: 'bottom'})],
declarations: [AppComponent],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
Options | Type | Default |
showDelay | number | 0 |
disableAnimation | boolean | false |
disableDefaultStyling | boolean | false |
placement | Placement(string) | auto |
boundariesElement | string(selector) | undefined |
trigger | Trigger(string) | hover |
popperModifiers | popperModifier | undefined |
positionFixed | boolean | false |
hideOnClickOutside | boolean | true |
hideOnMouseLeave | boolean | false |
hideOnScroll | boolean | false |
applyClass | string | undefined |
styles | Object | undefined |
applyArrowClass | string | undefined |
ariaDescribeBy | string | undefined |
ariaRole | string | undefined |
- popperPlacement:
| 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-start' | 'bottom-start' | 'left-start' | 'right-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom-end' | 'left-end' | 'right-end' | 'auto' | 'auto-start' | 'auto-end' | Function
- popperTrigger:
| 'click' | 'mousedown' | 'hover' | 'none'
Hell ya!!!
$ yarn install
$ yarn run build
$ yarn run dev