Utku Kurtulmuş 21903025
Onurcan Ataç 22002194
Ömer Oktay Gültekin 21901413
İlker Özgen 21902719
Mert Ünlü 22003747
Kutay Şenyiğit 21902377
-Faculty Administration Committee Members
-Course Coordinators
-Incoming Students
-International Student Office
- Activate Application Period: allows coordinators to activate the application period (November-December) and notify the students
- Upload Erasmus Placement Results: allows coordinators to upload the placements of applicants
- Discard Placement: allows students to discard their placement and logs the cancellation
- Notify Placement: allows coordinators to notify the students after the placements are complete
- Display Logs: allows coordinators to see the logs
- Add University: allows coordinators to add a new university
- Remove University: allows coordinators to remove a new university
- Edit University Information: allows coordinators to edit the information of a university, containing e-mail information of the erasmus coordinator of that university
- Nominate Students: allows coordinators to nominate the students to their host universities a few months before their mobility period begins
- Display Previous Courses: allows students to see previously accepted/rejected courses in their respective assigned host university
- Create Wish List: allows students to create a wish list
- Add to Wish List: allows students to add a course to the wish list
- Remove from Wish List: allows students to remove a course from the wish list
- Send Wish List: allows students to send their wish list and links to the course web pages (including syllabus)
- Request New Course: if a course students wish to take is "similar enough" to a MUST COURSE, and if it is not in the list of previously accepted courses, the student can send a request a new course using this feature
- Confirm New Course: allows coordinators to confirm a course request
- Reject New Course: allows coordinators to reject a course
- See Confirmed Courses: allows students to see their confirmed courses
- Submit Pre-Approval Form: allows students to submit their pre-approval form
- Accept Form: allows coordinators to accept the pre-approval form
- Reject Form: allows coordinators to reject the pre-approval form
- Submit Learning Agreement: allows students to submit their learning agreement document
- Report Problem: allows students to notify the coordinators and proposes alternative courses in case the pre-approved courses could not be taken due to schedule conflict or prerequisites
- Check ECTS: checks the ECTS credits of the courses that the students wishes to take
- Upload Syllabus: allows students to upload the syllabus of the course which they want to take
- View Application Status: Allows students to view the current status of their application
- Upload Signature: allows coordinators to upload their signature in order to create the required forms
- View Formerly Accepted Courses: allows students to check/view formerly accepted courses in other universities
- Generate Pre-Approval Form: generates pre-approval forms with the given information for the students
- Notify Open Place: notifies the coordinator when a new place opens
- Direct Message: allows users to directly message each other
- Notification: general notification feature for every user, notifications are viewed in a notification center
- Reminder: reminds the deadlines to users
- Calendar: feature to sync the local calendar
- Review System: allows students to review / state their feedbacks about their own erasmus experience in terms of their university