PHP Project for getting information from a boleto, such as:
- Bank
- Coin
- Due date
- Number
- Value
Use Composer to install boleto-reader
composer require mrleonix/boleto-reader
The create
function returns a Boleto
$boletoNumber = '34190.00000 00000.000003 41000.000000 0 44442000005025'; // Bank boleto type
$boleto = Boleto::create($boletoNumber);
$boletoNumber = '84670000001-7 43590024020-9 02405000243-5 84221010811-9'; // Dealership boleto type
$boletoTwo = Boleto::create($boletoNumber);
Then you can access Boleto
information as following:
// Getters only !
$boleto->bank // @return Bank
$boleto->bank->code // @return string
$boleto->bank->name // @return string
$boleto->coin // @return Coin
$boleto->coin->code // @return string
$boleto->coin->name // @return string
$boleto->dueDate // @return Carbon
$boleto->number // @return string
$boleto->type // @return string
$boleto->value // @return float
Note: Dealership
boletos do not have bank
, coin
and dueDate
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.