Install GitHub Version With WEB INSTALLER
RogueMaster Flipper Zero FW Support Us!
Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
This firmware is a fork of Unleashed and the main Flipper Devices FW! We are NOT paywalled. I will try to keep active development and updates from both in this build along with any other projects that can be found to be useful to the community. I try to keep this FW build the most cutting edge with updates from both and updates from nearly all active community projects. See the RM Games and Plugins for a list of most of those projects.
Discord - Build - Install Instructions - More Links And How To - All Changes from OFW - Support RM Custom Firmware - Patreon | This software is for experimental purposes only and is not meant for any illegal activity/purposes. We do not condone illegal activity and strongly encourage keeping transmissions to legal/valid uses allowed by law. |
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. Patreon Releases sometimes multiple times a day. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Patreon to RENAME your Flipper I can do custom names and custom animation sets with your custom build provided for every Patreon release.
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, MARIO, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock.
- Supporters get SD Card Assets with extra NFC Assets such as 48 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Donations: BTC:
- Donations: ETH:
Latest Updates - PATREON: Latest Release RM0304-0229-0.78.2-0f91a9c
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog and in commits:
2023-03-04 01:48 EST
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2023-03-04 01:48 EST
- Updated: NRF24 Batch (By vad7)
- UL: Updated: SubGHz: Fixed timings for static CAME 12 bit and other types (fixed issue #280)
- UL: Updated: Fix #370 and fix other protocol counter issues
- Infrared Set To Internal. Archive Browser for Infrared & BadUSB Fixed.
- OFW: Getter for application data path #2181 (By DrZlo13)
- Moved music_player and wav_player SD folders into the apps_data folder. (Following OFW Example in #2181)
- UL: Subghz protocol presets set to specific frequency
- OFW: New pin reset splashscreen #2405 (By Astrrra)
- OFW: iButton system and app refactoring #2388 (By gsurkov)
- Temporarily Removed: iButton Fuzzer (By xMasterX)
- Updated: Mfkey32 WIP (By noproto)
- UL: Updated: iButton Fuzzer (By xMasterX)
- UL: Updated: Fix iButton app - add manually - duplicate names
- Fix Music Beeper Location
- Updated: NRF24 Batch (By vad7)
- OFW: Archive browser: update path on dir leave #2455 (By nminaylov)
- OFW: SubGhz: better and more verbose error handling in protocols, stricter CAME validation #2443 (By Skorpionm)
- POCSAG protocol fixed to use new error status
- Updated: POCSAG Pager (By XMasterx & Shmuma) (Updated by RogueMaster to meet new FW Error Format)
- Added: (ESP32CAM) Camera (By Z4urce & eried)
- Added: (ESP32CAM) Marauder (By 0xchocolate & eried)
- Added: (ESP32CAM) Motion Detection (By eried)
- Added: (ESP32CAM) QR Code (By eried)
- UL: Updates to SubGHz Protocols with Error Handling
- UL: Keeloq Default Layout For Non Standard Remotes
- To avoid Application errors, delete /ext/apps before doing the any RM firmware update
- Get Latest GitHub Release or for PATREON members Latest Patreon Release.
- See Install Instructions
- Extract/unzip the downloaded file from above to a folder on your computer (Use 7Zip or WinRAR)
- Copy the entire folder to the update folder onto the SD card you're using in your FlipperZero
- Once the SD card is back in the Flipper (or you've copied the files successfully via qFlipper), press down at the Desktop (the screen with the animations)
- This opens the Archive app, press left/right to get to the Browser section
- Locate the update folder, and the folder you copied earlier
- Locate the update file and select it
- Select Run in App
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/
$ ./fbt updater_package
# FAPS placed at assets/resources/apps on BUILD
# Install this folder on your flipper dist/f7-C/f7-update-RM420FAP
# If building animation assets:
$ ./fbt dolphin_ext
- How to install firmware
- How to build firmware
- How to change Flipper name
- How to use: NRF24 plugins
- How to use: SentrySafe plugin
- Barcode Generator readme
- How to extend SubGHz frequency range
- How to add extra SubGHz frequencies
- 💎 Extra plugins precompiled for Unleashed
- Configure Sub-GHz Remote App
- Animations: PREVIEW "RM Minimal" animations (build default) or OTHER SETS
- Animations: File
no longer will get overwritten. Any automatic building of animations is disabled here. - Animations: Hold Center to change Flipper idle animation. Thanks to Zycenios With changes by RogueMaster.
- Animations: iButton and RFID P0kem0n images Thanks to Panzer00Z
- Animations: Idle animations will show all animations regardless of level and butthurt Thanks to qqMajiKpp
- Animations: Painting speech bubbles updated from FalsePhilosopher
- Animations: RM FW Update image (Thanks to ESurge)
- Animations: SubGHZ Scanning image with Pikachu Thanks to Panzer00Z
- Animations: Trimmed out the Flipper animations.
folder on your Flipper should now be managed by you! Copy this folder (RM Select) or this folder (RM minimal) if you don't want to do the work but want more animations. - Archive: File Browser Ordering (By Dig03)
- Archive: Browser: Context menu to show file content (By askoriy)
- Archive: FAPs are now launchable from Archive [By RogueMaster], thanks xMasterX for the suggestion
- Assets: Includes a NFC Level 50 Z3lda Amiibo
- Assets: Includes a NFC link to TalkingSasquach on YouTube
- Assets: Includes a NFC Rick Roll link
- Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: Listed Here
- Assets: Includes NFC Assets: 48 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster) It is recommended you randomize UID with this script.Patreon Build Only
- Assets: Includes sample Music Player tunes
- Assets: Includes Sonic Screw Driver sound for the Wav Player
- Assets: Running DolphinRestorer.fap on new install will auto-level to Level 7.
- Assets: Includes SubGHz assets for Crosswalk, CVS/Walgreens CS Buttons Thanks jimilinuxguy, Handicap Doors, Honda Lock/Unlock, Lowes, Sextoys, Tesla Charge Port & Unitree Go1 Robot Dog.
- Assets: Includes SubGHz Gas Sign Captures by 0day
- Assets: Includes SubGHz Playlist config and SubGHz Remote config for CVS, Lowes & Walgreens.
- Assets: Includes SubGHz Remote config for Gas_Sign_Edit from UberGuidoZ
- Assets: Includes SubGHz Remote config for Riding_Dirty from UberGuidoZ
- Assets: Includes SubGHz SexToy files from UberGuidoZ
- Assets: Includes Tama P1 Rom Game file. this rom
- Assets: Includes WAV files for Unlock/Lock Gatekeeper Systems wheels found on some Shopping Carts/Trolleys (Thanks to lukejtaylor) (May not work off lipper)
- BadUSB: Added ignore DUCKY_LANG cmd to retain compatibility with existing scripts (Thanks to v1nc)
- BadUSB: Assets for Kiosk Evasion (By nocomp) and Wifi Stealer (By 7h30th3r0n3)
- BadUSB: Assets for RickRoll, RogueMaster GitHub and RogueMaster Patreon
- BadUSB: Dummy decoy/bad usb keyboard layout #1525 (By dummy-decoy)
- BadUSB: nb-NO Added norwegian keyboard layout (By jd-raymaker)
- BadUSB: show script errors on screen (By CromFr)
- BadUSB: sk-SK maping keybord for BadUsb (By jaroslavmraz)
- BadUSB: STRINGDELAY feature, delay fix #2269 (By n30f0x)
- Bluetooth Remote: Add camera control mode to bluetooth remote app. #2336 (By LoganMD)
- Bluetooth Remote: Add HID mouse auto-clicker. #2319 (By rwl4)
- Bluetooth Remote + USB Keyboard: Added movement interval in mouse_jiggler USB & BLE #303 (By DocKuro)
- Clock: Clock.fap loader apps and available as Favorites Thanks to ESurge
- Desktop: Desktop icons are now dynamic, and can be changed in Desktop Settings (By ESurge)
- Desktop: Hold Right goes to About with Battery Info [(Thanks to Willy-JL)]
- Desktop: Exclude icons on the left and show minimal battery Thanks to skizzophrenic/Talking-Sasquach
- Development free space thanks to removal of unused debug tools and thanks to ESurge for removal of first start assets.
- Dolphin: Assigned profile pic for levels 1-10 (Happy Lvl 1 Dolphin), 11-15 (Happy Lvl 2 Dolphin), 16-18 (Happy Lvl 3 Dolphin), 19-21 (Kid G0ku), 22-24 (Adult G0ku), 25-27 (SSJ G0ku) and 28-30 (SSJ3 G0ku)
- Dolphin: Expanded max level from 3 to 30 using Roll20, Increased max deed XP per action type from 15 to 45 exp daily & updated animation manifest for max level 30 for all animations (By RogueMaster)
- Dolphin: Internal manifest updated to have animations always available with max level 30
- Dolphin: Level animation sequence for level 3+ to be lvl1->2 for levels 1-20 and lvl2->3 for levels 21-30.
- Dolphin: Mood Stays Happy (Thanks to biocage), changed to Mood Stays Less Than 6 / Mood Stays High (but not in game mode) (By RogueMaster)
- Dolphin: Passport: As a FAP with Multiple Pages, and Dynamic Icons/Images support (By ESurge)
- Dolphin: Passport: Default Mario Themed (Thanks to Kuronons)
- Dolphin: Passport: Many thanks to Kuronons for the many passport backgrounds and profile images available and included.
- Dolphin: Passport: Now has 9 selectable backgrounds options and 24 profile image options. (Changes By RogueMaster with thanks to ESurge)
- Dolphin: Passport: Passport Settings app to configure dynamic icons in Passport FAP (By ESurge)
- Dolphin: Passport: Rename Dolphin with Name Changer app under Applications=>Main (By ESurge)
- Dolphin: Passport: Show EXP (By Dabolus)
- Dolphin: Changed daily MAX to 198 on all 7 Deed Types. Random Deed Selection used for MAX +3 EXP daily gain.
- Dolphin: Plugin Achivement +3 EXP for a total of up to 700 EXP daily. Plugin Achivements are:
- Dice First Roll for d20+ = sides on dice (i.e. Nat 20 on d20)
- Dice First Roll for d20+ = sides on dice - 1 (+1 EXP) (i.e. 19 on d20)
- Games Only Mode from Lock Menu
- Getting 2048 in 2048
- Mouse Jacker Ducky Run
- NRFSniffer Found Address
- Stopwatch @ Alert
- Tetris, Snake, or Flappy Bird Score For EXP
- Zombiez for every 20 Zombie kills
- Dolphin: SD dolphin manifest updated to weight animations differently
- GPIO: Feature to read EEPROM of SFP Modules using I2C (By marcusju)
- GPIO: I²C-Scanner #1431 (By GitChris3004)
- iButton: Fixed issue when loading iButton keys or U2F token from Archive app #382 (By ESurge)
- iButton: iButton.fap loader apps and available as Favorites Thanks to ESurge
- Icon Decode/Encode (Thanks to PixlEmly)
- Infrared: allow disabling automatic signal decoding #273 (By Darmiel)
- Infrared: Universal AC, Audio, Fans & Projectors from Unleashed/Eng1n33r
- NFC: Assets for RogueMaster GitHub and RogueMaster Patreon
- NFC: NFC - Machine Readable Travel Documents #1866 (By qistoph)
- NFC: (WIP) added ISO15693 reading, saving and revealing from privacy mode (unlock) #1991 (By g3gg0)
- Plugins: 2048, Arkanoid, Snake, and Tetris show score. Thanks to whoamins and DevMilanIan With position changes by RogueMaster. Also all + Tic Tac Toe updated by Unleashed/Eng1n33r for stability.
- Plugins: Icon for Clock Thanks to Redlink
- Plugins: OFW PR Snake Plugin: Store game state on close and restore it on restart, show highscore #1922 (By JuanJakobo)
- RFID: LFRFID AS FAP #397 (By RogueMaster) (With Thanks to ESurge) Restored Infrared and RFID CLI #405 (By ESurge)
- Settings: "Lock W PIN + Off" add to UP menu [(By RogueMaster)]
- Settings: OFW PR Automatic shutdown on idle #1647 (By SHxKenzuto)
- Settings: Actual PIN Lock (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Auto-Lock Options Added: 10s+15s+90s (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Battery Meter on Desktop Thanks to McAzzaMan
- Settings: Custom name with this compile: CUSTOM_FLIPPER_NAME=name ./fbt updater_package By Unleashed/xMasterX
- Settings: Desktop => Games Only Mode (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: LCD Timeout Options Added: 10s+90s+2min+5min+10min (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Rename from App (Thanks to ESurge)
- Settings: Rename from SD
(Thanks to ESurge) - Settings: Power: Fix for settings reload every second (By lokiuox)
- Settings: Scan names will have timestamp instead of random name assigned for NFC and SubGHz (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Storage Info: SD info: Add dynamic units and free % #1634 (By non-bin)
- Settings: Updated Dummy Mode mode to have access to 2048, Dice, Snake, Tetris & Zombiez (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Updated GAMES ONLY mode to have access to 2048, Dice, Doom, Snake, Tetris & Zombiez (By RogueMaster)
- Settings: Updated HOLD UP to go to Primary Favorite [(By RogueMaster)]
- Settings: Updated HOLD DOWN to go to Secondary Favorite [(By RogueMaster)]
- Settings: Updated Left to go to Clock [(By RogueMaster)]
- Settings: Updated HOLD LEFT to go to SubGhz Remote [(By RogueMaster)]
- SubGHz: Auto Detect Raw in READ action (Needs To Be Enabled In Read Settings) from perspecdev
- SubGhz: add protocol "Linear Delta-3" #2239 (By brandonweeks)
- SubGHz: Add settings to subghz read functionality to allow setting RSSI threshold (raw only) (By PolymerPrints)
- SubGHz: Extended ranges enabled through flag in /ext/subghz/assets/extend_range.txt from tkerrby
- SubGHz: Moved setting_user file to setting_user.txt! This makes it changable from IOS app. (By RogueMaster)
- SubGHz: New frequency analyzer (By ClusterM) feedback mode (by darmiel) Quiet Mode (by Himura2la) New frequency analyzer #1557 (By ClusterM)
- SubGHz: Nicer SubGHz Chat via CLI Bridge (By ranchordo) with "chat" command (Thanks ESurge and qqMajikpp)
- SubGHz: OFW PR Decode RAW recordings #1667 (By qistoph)
- SubGHz: POCSAG protocol decoder for subghz #2055 (By Shuma)
- SubGHz: Protocols An-Motors, BFT Mitto, Came Atomo, FAAC SLH (Spa), HCS101, Keeloq, Keeloq Common, Nice Flor S, SecPlus v1+v2 and Star Line updates from Eng1n33r
- SubGHz: Region Locked - To transmit to outside ranges (Unlock), use the Extend Range app under Applications=>Main.
- SubGHz: Unlock from SD flag from (cloudbreakdaniel). Update
with this file on SD. UPDATE IGNORE FLAG TO TRUE TO UNLEASH YOUR FLIPPER!! - U2F: U2F.fap loader apps and available as Favorites Thanks to ESurge
- 15 (By x27)
- 2048 (By OlegSchwann) (Score By DevMilanIan)
- 2048 (By eugene-kirzhanov) (Titled 2048 (Improved))
- Arkanoid (By gotnull) (Score By DevMilanIan)
- Asteroids (By antirez) (Modified By SimplyMinimal)
- BlackJack (By teeebor)
- Color Guess (By leedave)
- Dice (RM) Including SEX/WAR/8BALL/WEED/DRINK DICE (By RogueMaster)
- Dice (By Ka3u6y6a)
- Doom (By p4nic4ttack)
- Etch-A-Sketch (By SimplyMinimal)
- Flappy Bird (By DroomOne) Flappy: Border hitboxes, bigger Pilars (By TQMatvey) Increase pilars line width to improve visibility (By ahumeniy)
- Game of Life (Updated to work by tgxn) (By itsyourbedtime)
- Heap Defence (By xMasterX) (original by wquinoa & Vedmein)
- Mandelbrot Set (By Possibly-Matt)
- Minesweeper (By panki27)
- Monty Hall (By DevMilanIan)
- Pong (By nmrr) (Patched By SimplyMinimal)
- Reaction Test (By Milk-Cool)
- Reversi (By dimat)
- Root of Life (By Xorboo)
- Scorched Tanks (By jasniec)
- Simon Says (By SimplyMinimal)
- Slot Machine (By Daniel-dev-s)
- Snake (By OlegSchwann)-OFW(With updates from DrZlo13, xMasterX, QtRoS and RogueMaster) Snake Score Saving (By JuanJakobo) Turns anywhere (By TQMatvey) Food Spawns Anywwhere (By TQMatvey)
- Snake 2.0 (By Willzvul)
- Solitaire (By teeebor)
- T-Rex (By gelin) WIP
- TAMA P1: Save State & Layout Update (By DroomOne) Original TAMA P1 (By GMMan) Mute & Settings (By Round-Pi)
- Tanks (By Alexgr13)
- Tetris (By jeffplang)
- Tic-Tac-Toe Multi (By RouNNdeL)
- Tic Tac Toe (By gotnull)
- Video Poker (By PixlEmly)
- Yatzee (By emfleak)
- Zombiez (Reworked By DevMilanIan) (Original By Dooskington)
- Air Mouse (By ginkage)
- Analog Clock (By scrolltex)
- Authenticator/TOTP (By akopachov)
- Barcode App (By Kingal1337)
- Barcode Generator (By McAzzaMan)
- BarCode Scanner Emulator (By polarikus)
Uses: COM-port
- Bluetooth Remote (By Cutch)-OFW
- BPM Tapper (By panki27)
- Brainfuck (By nymda)
- BT Serial (By maybe-hello-world)
- BT Trigger (By Nem0oo)
- Calculator (By n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e)
- Calculator "2" (By theCow61)
- Camera (By Z4urce)
Req: ESP32-CAM
- Ceasar Cipher (By panki27)
- CLI Bridge (By ranchordo)
- Clock (By kowalski7cc)
- Count Down Timer (By 0w0mewo)
- Counter (By Krulknul) Improved (By plasticuproject)
- Dab Timer (By RogueMaster) Original (By CompaqDisc) 12/24HR (By non-bin) Refactoring (By GMMan) Using Analog Clock (By scrolltex)
- DAP Link (By DrZlo13)-OFW
- DCF77 Transmitter (By arha)
- Deauther PWNDTOOLS V2.6.0 (By HEX0DAYS)
Req: ESP8266
Original - Distance Sensor (By Sanqui))
Req: HC-SR04
Ported/Modified by xMasterX - Dolphin Backup (By nminaylov)-OFW Modified by RogueMaster
- Dolphin Restorer (By nminaylov) Cloned by RogueMaster
- DSTIKE Deauther (By SequoiaSan)
Req: ESP8266
- DTMF Dolphin (By litui)
- EM4100 Key Generator (By Milk-Cool)
- (ESP32CAM) Camera (By Z4urce & eried)
- (ESP32CAM) Marauder (By 0xchocolate & eried)
- (ESP32CAM) Motion Detection (By eried)
- (ESP32CAM) QR Code (By eried)
- Extend Range (By maede97) (Allows SubGHz Unlock!)
- EXTRA Demo (By Milk-Cool) (This app has VERY useful functions!)
- FAP Boilerplate (By leedave)
- Flashlight (By xMasterX)
- Flipagotchi WIP (By Matt-London)
- Flizzer Tracker (By LTVA1)
- Geiger Counter (By nmrr)
- GPIO Reader (biotinker) (By biotinker)
- GPIO Reader (Aurelilc) (By aureli1c)
- GPS (By ezod)
Req: NMEA 0183
- HEX Viewer (By QtRoS)
- i2c Tools (By NaejEL)
- iButton Fuzzer (By xMasterX)
- IFTTT Virtual Button (By Ferrazzi)
Req: ESP8266 w/ IFTTT FW Flashed
- Intravelometer (By theageoflove)
- IR Remote (By Hong5489)
- IR Xbox Controller (By gebeto)
- LED Pulsator (By leedave)
- Lightmeter (By oleksiikutuzov)
Req: BH1750
- LORA Terminal (By aafksab)
- MagSpoof WIP (By zacharyweiss)
- Metronome (By panki27)
- Mfkey32 WIP (By noproto)
- Morse Code (By wh00hw)
- Mouse Jacker (By mothball187) (Pin Out from nocomp/Frog/UberGuidoZ)
Req: NRF24
- Mouse Jiggler (By Jacob-Tate) (Original By MuddleBox)
- Multi Converter (By theisolinearchip)
- Music Beeper (By DrZlo13) With Changes By qqMajiKpp/Haseo
- Music Player (By DrZlo13)-OFW
- Name Changer (By ESurge)
- NFC Magic (By gornekich)
- NFC Magic Gen4 app #2238 (By nullableVoidPtr)
- Nightstand Clock (By nymda)
- NRF Sniff (By mothball187) (Pin Out from nocomp/Frog/UberGuidoZ)
Req: NRF24
- NRF24 Batch (By vad7)
- NRF24 Scanner v2.2 (By vad7)
- Ocarina (By invalidna-me) Here are the LOTZ Songs
- Orgasmotron (By qqmajikpp) Updated by jbohack
- Paint (By n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e)
- Password Generator (By anakod)
- PicoPass Reader (By Bettse)
- POCSAG Pager (By XMasterx & Shmuma)
- Pomodoro Timer (By sbrin)
- Pomodoro 2 (By Th3Un1q3)
- Protocol Visualizer (By antirez)
- QR Code (By bmatcuk)
- RC2014 ColecoVision (By ezod)
- RFID Fuzzer (By Ganapati) Changes by Unleashed/xMasterX
- RF Remix (By ESurge) (Original By jimilinuxguy) (More protocols thanks to darmiel & xMasterX)
- RGB LED (By flyandi)
- Rubik's Cube Scrambler (By RaZeSloth)
- [SAM (By Unknown)]Original?
- SCD30 Carbon Dioxide Sensor (By heimskr)
- Scope (By anfractuosity)
- Sentry Safe (By H4ckd4ddy) (Pin Out from UberGuidoZ)
- Signal Generator (By nminaylov)-OFW
- Spectrum Analyzer (By jolcese) Updates (for testing) Thanks to theY4Kman
- Sub-GHz Bruteforcer v3.4 (By Ganapati/xMasterX/derskythe)
- Sub-GHz Playlist (By darmiel)
- SWD Probe (By g3gg0)
- Temp Sensors Reader (By quen0n)
Req: BMP180/BMP280/BME280/BME680/DHT11/DHT22(AM2302)/AM2301/AM2320/HTU2XD/HTU21x/HDC1080/MAX31855/MAX6675
- Text To SAM (By RoundPi)
- Text Viewer (By kowalski7cc)
- Toy Serial (By maybe-hello-world) WIP
- Tuning Fork (By besya)
- UART Echo (By DrZlo13)-OFW
- UART Terminal (By cool4uma)
- USB HID Autofire (By pbek)
- USB Midi (By DrZlo13) Instructions by ESurge
- VB Migration Assistant (By GMMan)
- WAV Player (By DrZlo13) Updated by Atmanos & RogueMaster To Work
- WAV Recorder (By scrolltex)
- WiFi (Deauther) V2 (By Timmotools)
Req: ESP8266
- WiFi (Marauder) v3.0 (By 0xchocolate)
- WiFi Scanner v.0.4 (By SequoiaSan)
Req: ESP8266 or ESP32
- Wii EC Analyser (By csBlueChip)
- Zero Tracker (By DrZZlo13)