A set of classes to develop services for SEPIA in Java
Create an account on the SEPIA server you want to develop for. Ask the admin to add the 'developer' role to the account (see Wiki for help).
The SEPIA-Assist server has an endpoint for service uploads, e.g.: http://localhost:20721/upload-service
To use the interface make sure the server has SDK support enabled (via admin-tools or enable_sdk=true in assist.*.properties).
- Import the maven project into the IDE of your choice (tested with Eclipse).
- Create a package for your developer account ID under 'net.b07z.sepia.sdk.services' (e.g. "uid1010" -> net.b07z.sepia.sdk.services.uid1010).
- Open 'Settings/sdk.properties' and put in your credentials (ID + password of your SEPIA account with 'developer' role) and the endpoint URL of your SEPIA-Assist server.
- Modify and run the various '.main.Test***.java' classes to test the upload of one of the demo services. Check the result for errors. Make sure you installed a jdk on the S.E.P.I.A. server (e.g.: sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk)
- Check-out the examples under '.services.uid1007.*' to get an idea of how a SDK custom service works (until a real documentation is ready ^^).
- Open your SEPIA client, login with the same user ID you used for development and make a real test of your custom service.
Services that have been uploaded are only available for the user that uploaded them unless you upload them with the 'assistant' user (core-account).