- 💡 I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on my Event Booking App 😁
- 🌱 I’m currently learning JetPack Compose.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other Developers 😉
- 🥅 2022 Goals: Contribute to Open Source projects
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help 😄
- 📬 How to reach me: Let's get in touch!
- 🧗 I try to: Go beyond and push the bounds
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love connecting with different people 🙌
- ✍️ In my free time, I watch informative youtube videos, read articles .\
- 💬 Feel free to reach out to me for project developement or help
- ✉️ You can shoot me an email at [email protected]! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.\
- 📄 Please have a look at my Résumé for more details about me. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!
Lets Buy event Ticket online using this app
- 💪 Opened PR #99 in Segment Control