Make sure Docker is installed
Open folder in terminal
$ docker load -i woz.tar $ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 woz:latest
Open browser and make test request by putting this in the address bar:¬married_nokids=20&married_kids=20¬married_kids=20&single_parent=20&total=120
If this does not work, check what host the server is on. Run this in terminal:
$ docker ps
Replace in the original link with the host the server is on.
Change the values of the parameters to get different output!
When done testing, find the container id with:
$ docker ps
Then use this id to run the following command and shut down the container:
$ docker kill [container id]
Everything else in this folder is what I used to analyze and process data, train a model and test the webservice locally.
│ README.txt - this file
│ requirements.txt - required python packages
│ data_analysis.py - script to analyze data, can be used both before and after processing data
│ data_processing.py - script that processes data, as described in report
│ evaluate_random_forest.py - script to evaluate the random forest algorithm on train/test split of the data
│ train_random_forest.py - script to train model on all data
│ utils.py - some utilitary functions that are used by other files
│ test_request.py - script I used for easy local testing of web service
│ woz.tar - docker image (not tracked by git because of size)
│ .gitignore
│ │ original .xlsx files with provided data
│ │ .npy files with processed data
| │ data_analysis.txt - results of data_analysis.py, before processing
| │ data_analysis_after_processing.txt - results of data_analysis.py, after processing
| │ trained_model.sav - model trained in train_random_forest.py
| │ .png files with histograms showing features' distributions - data visualization obtained with data_processing.py
│ app.ini - configuration of wsgi
│ app.py - the restful flask api
│ Dockerfile
│ requirements.txt - required python packages
│ trained_model.sav - model used by server
│ wsgi.py - server's entry point
│ .dockerignore