This is a VTube Studio plug-in that can drop Youtube chatroom's emotes into VTube Studio.
The plug-in inherits most of the features of VTS Twitch Dropper.
Thanks for Taiwanese Vtuber Chilla Behemes's testing.
Important: All the files in the zip file should be extract and drop to the correct folder.
This plug-in use VTS Twitch Dropper as the base, so you can config in the same way.
I know it is weird, but you should login to Twitch then you can modify the Youtube Emote Dropper's configs.
Important: you should enable the Twitch Emote Dropper first to enable Youtube Emote Dropper.
Most of the parameter will inherit from Twitch Dropper.
key to open/close the plug-in window.
Copy your stream url to the plug-in window and click Confirm.
- Member only stream is not supported.
- Text Emoji is not supported.
- Recommend to use Member / Admin Only when using Drop Thumbnail to avoid spamming.
- You can test in Unlisted stream.
Q: Can I use Twitch and Youtube Emote Dropper at the same time?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: Why I didn't see the permission required when I use this plug-in.
A: The plug-in not use the official way to interact with VTube Studio, so it will not show the permission required.
Q: Can I use this plug-in on Mac?
A: No, this plug-in is only for Windows.
Q: Is this free?
A: Yes, this is free, no matter you are an Individual or a Enterprise's Vtuber.
Q: Can I modify this plug-in?
A: Feel free to fork or modify this plug-in.
KomeTube: Get youtube chatroom messages.
BepInEx: The Unity Plugin/Modding Framework.