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Add sheet_directions
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AntonOresten committed Apr 18, 2024
1 parent cfe493f commit 94b6b0c
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Showing 6 changed files with 69 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/AssigningSecondaryStructure.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,7 @@ include("utils.jl")
# TODO: sheet topology

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/assign.jl
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,13 @@ end
import Backboner, Backboner.Protein
import Backboner.Protein: ncaco_coords, readpdb

assign_secondary_structure(chains::Vector{Protein.Chain}) = assign_secondary_structure(ncaco_coords.(chains))
get_coords(chains::Vector{Protein.Chain}) = cat(ncaco_coords.(chains)..., dims=3)
get_coords(chain::Protein.Chain) = get_coords([chain])

assign_secondary_structure(chains::Vector{Protein.Chain}) = assign_secondary_structure(ncaco_coords.(chains))
assign_secondary_structure(chain::Protein.Chain) = assign_secondary_structure([chain])[1]

assign_secondary_structure(backbones::Vector{Backboner.Backbone}) = assign_secondary_structure(Backboner.Protein.Chain.(backbones))
assign_secondary_structure(backbone::Backboner.Backbone) = assign_secondary_structure(Protein.Chain(backbone))

assign_secondary_structure(filename::AbstractString) = assign_secondary_structure(readpdb(filename))
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/directions.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export sheet_directions

function sheet_directions(hbond_map::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
p_bridge, a_bridge = get_bridges(hbond_map)
vec(sum(p_bridge, dims=2)), vec(sum(a_bridge, dims=2))

sheet_directions(chains::Union{Protein.Chain, Vector{Protein.Chain}}) = sheet_directions(get_hbond_map(get_coords(chains)))
51 changes: 31 additions & 20 deletions src/dssp.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,21 +14,7 @@ function _unfold(a::AbstractArray, window::Int, axis::Int)
return _moveaxis(unfolded, axis, ndims(unfolded))

# not differentiable like the PyDSSP version cause we use bitwise operators
function dssp(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}) where T
size(coords, 1) == 3 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 3 coordinates per atom, got $(size(coords, 1))"))
size(coords, 2) == 4 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 4 atoms per residue, got $(size(coords, 2))"))

N = size(coords, 3)
if N < 6
coords = cat(coords, fill(Inf, 3, 4, 6-N), dims=3)

coords = permutedims(coords, (3, 2, 1))

hbmap = get_hbond_map(coords)
hbmap = permutedims(hbmap, (2, 1)) # Rearrange to "i:C=O, j:N-H" form

function get_helix_bools(hbmap::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
# Identify turn 3, 4, 5
turn3 = diag(hbmap, 3) .> 0
turn4 = diag(hbmap, 4) .> 0
Expand All @@ -46,7 +32,13 @@ function dssp(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}) where T

helix3 = h3 .| circshift(h3, 1) .| circshift(h3, 2)
helix5 = h5 .| circshift(h5, 1) .| circshift(h5, 2) .| circshift(h5, 3) .| circshift(h5, 4)

helix = helix3 .| helix4 .| helix5

return helix

function get_bridges(hbmap::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
# Identify bridge
unfoldmap = _unfold(_unfold(hbmap, 3, -2), 3, -2) .> 0
unfoldmap_rev = permutedims(unfoldmap, (2, 1, 3, 4))
Expand All @@ -57,12 +49,31 @@ function dssp(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}) where T
a_bridge = (unfoldmap[:, :, 2, 2] .& unfoldmap_rev[:, :, 2, 2]) .| (unfoldmap[:, :, 1, 3] .& unfoldmap_rev[:, :, 1, 3])
a_bridge = _pad(false, a_bridge, (1,1), (1,1))

# Ladder
ladder = dropdims(reduce(|, p_bridge .| a_bridge, dims=2), dims=2)
return p_bridge, a_bridge

function get_ladder_bools(hbmap::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
p_bridge, a_bridge = get_bridges(hbmap)
ladder = vec(reduce(|, p_bridge .| a_bridge, dims=2))
return ladder

# not differentiable like the PyDSSP version cause we use bitwise operators
function dssp(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}) where T
size(coords, 1) == 3 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 3 coordinates per atom, got $(size(coords, 1))"))
size(coords, 2) == 4 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 4 atoms per residue, got $(size(coords, 2))"))

N = size(coords, 3)
if N < 6
coords = cat(coords, fill(Inf, 3, 4, 6-N), dims=3)

hbmap = get_hbond_map(coords) # "i:C=O, j:N-H" form

# H, E, L of C3
helix = helix3 .| helix4 .| helix5
strand = ladder
loop = .!helix .& .!strand
helix = get_helix_bools(hbmap)
strand = get_ladder_bools(hbmap)
loop = .!(helix .| strand)

num_vector = findfirst.(eachrow(hcat(loop, helix, strand)))[1:N]

Expand Down
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions src/hydrogen.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
function get_hydrogen_positions(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}) where T <: Real
vec_cn = coords[2:end, 1, :] .- coords[1:end-1, 3, :]
function get_hydrogen_positions(coords::AbstractArray{T, 3}; permute=true) where T <: Real
_, atoms_per_residue, residue_count = size(coords)
atoms_per_residue == 4 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 4 atoms per residue, got $atoms_per_residue"))
permute && (coords_p = permutedims(coords, (3, 2, 1)))
vec_cn = coords_p[2:end, 1, :] .- coords_p[1:end-1, 3, :]
vec_cn ./= mapslices(norm, vec_cn, dims=2)
vec_can = coords[2:end, 1, :] .- coords[2:end, 2, :]
vec_can = coords_p[2:end, 1, :] .- coords_p[2:end, 2, :]
vec_can ./= mapslices(norm, vec_can, dims=2)
vec_nh = vec_cn .+ vec_can
vec_nh ./= mapslices(norm, vec_nh, dims=2)
return coords[2:end, 1, :] .+ 1.01 .* vec_nh
return coords_p[2:end, 1, :] .+ 1.01 .* vec_nh

function get_hbond_map(
coords::AbstractArray{T, 3};
cutoff::Float64 = DEFAULT_CUTOFF,
margin::Float64 = DEFAULT_MARGIN,
) where T <: Real
residue_count, atoms_per_residue, _ = size(coords)
_, atoms_per_residue, residue_count = size(coords)
atoms_per_residue == 4 || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected 4 atoms per residue, got $atoms_per_residue"))

cpos = coords[1:end-1, 3, :]
opos = coords[1:end-1, 4, :]
npos = coords[2:end, 1, :]
coords_p = permutedims(coords, (3, 2, 1))

cpos = coords_p[1:end-1, 3, :]
opos = coords_p[1:end-1, 4, :]
npos = coords_p[2:end, 1, :]
hpos = get_hydrogen_positions(coords)

cmap = repeat(reshape(cpos, 1, :, 3), outer=(residue_count-1, 1, 1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,5 +55,5 @@ function get_hbond_map(
hbond_map .= (sin.(hbond_map .*/ 2 / margin)) .+ 1.0) ./ 2.0
hbond_map .*= local_mask

return hbond_map
return hbond_map'
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -30,4 +30,12 @@ ss_composition(ss::Vector{Int}) = [count(==(code), ss) for code in 1:3]


@testset "sheet arrangement" begin
hbond_map = ASS.get_hbond_map(ASS.ncaco_coords.(ASS.readpdb("data/1ASS.pdb"))[1])
p, ap = sheet_arrangement(hbond_map)
@test p isa Vector{Int64}
@test Set(unique(p)) == Set([0, 1, 2])
@test Set(unique(ap)) == Set([0, 1, 2])


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