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A pipeline for long-read UMI/PID sequencing of HIV amplicons.

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by Alec Pankow and Ben Murrell, now maintained by Hugh Murrell

now upgraded to Julia version 1.7.1

branch master

Quick start

Dependencies (on an ubuntu machine)

  • first update all apps
    • apt update
    • apt upgrade
  • Snakemake
    • apt-get install -y snakemake
  • mafft
    • apt-get install -y mafft
  • fasttree
    • apt-get install -y fasttree
  • python3 packages
    • apt-get install python3-pandas
    • apt-get install python3-seaborn

Julia version 1.7

Download and unpack the latest Julia (we recommend version 1.7.1) from:

Make sure you can enter the julia REPL from the command line, on an ubuntu machine you would do:

# move the julia system to a lib directory
mv julia-1.7.1 /usr/lib/julia-1.7.1
# make julia v1.7.1 executable from the command line
ln -s /usr/lib/julia-1.7.1/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia
# check that you can enter the julia REPL
julia --version

cloning the PORPIDpipeline repository

Now that the dependencies are setup we clone the PORPIDpipeline repository

cd ~
git clone [email protected]:MurrellGroup/PORPIDpipeline.git

setting up the Julia package environment

then navigate to the PORPIDpipeline project folder and start the Julia REPL. Enter the package manager using ] and then enter

activate .

This will activate, install, and precompile the julia environment specified by the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files. The precompile command above is not strictly needed but is useful if there are issues with installing the julia packages listed in Project.toml

Next, add the following text to your Julia startup file (typically at ~/.julia/config/startup.jl; you may need to create the directory if not present, mkdir -p ~/.julia/config).

using Pkg
if isfile("Project.toml") && isfile("Manifest.toml")

This will activate the local environment at Julia startup.


To configure the PORPIDpipeline workflow, first edit the demo config.yaml file to reflect your library construction. It should follow the same format shown in the demo example below.

    sec_str_primer: TAGGCATCTCCT
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_5970-8994_DNA_stripped.fasta"
    sec_str_primer: TAGGCATCTCCT
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_5970-8994_DNA_stripped.fasta"
    sec_str_primer: TAGGCATCTCCT
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_5970-8994_DNA_stripped.fasta"
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_787-3300_DNA_stripped.fasta"
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_787-3300_DNA_stripped.fasta"
    panel: "panels/HIV1_COM_2017_787-3300_DNA_stripped.fasta"

Note that the donor ID barcode is in lowercase and the Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI) barcode is indicated with N's. The primer sequences provided will be used for demultiplexing and will be trimmed from the final sequences.

The panel arg should be a path to a .fasta alignment spanning your amplicon, with all gaps stripped. This will be used only in the postproccessing step to remove off-target seqs and trim to the correct coordinates.

To generate your own panel file you are encouraged to visit:

where you can download an alignment and then use aliview to trim the alignment to your region of interest.

gzipped CCS .fastq files should be placed in the raw-reads/ subdirectory and named according to the the dataset name used in the config.yaml file, ie, demo.fastq.gz for the demo dataset.

Preview and Execution

Preview jobs with Snakemake and run with {n} cores.

#preview jobs
snakemake -np

snakemake -j{n}

For more info on Snakemake, see

Conda setup

Some (without root access) may prefer to setup PORPIDpipeline in a conda environment.

To accomplish this, first install anaconda locally. (the install script allows you to choose the location for anaconda, by default /home/user but choose something else if you want something accessable to a group of users)

curl –O >

then log out and log in again and check that you are in the base environment.

conda is very slow, so we suggest installing mamba in the conda base environment:

conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba

clone the PORPIDpipeline repository

cd ~  # or some other directory used for your anaconda installation
git clone [email protected]:MurrellGroup/PORPIDpipeline.git

and then all the PORPIDpipeline dependencies including julia version 1.7.1 ( as listed in the PORPIDpipeline conda environment spec in environment.yaml), can be installed in a conda environment via mamba using the commands:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
mamba env create --file environment.yaml

Note that if you did use some other directory than your home directory for installing the PORPIDpipeline repository then you have to inform Julia where your packages are stored by placing the following command in your .bashrc file:

# set path to .julia files
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="/some/other/directory/.julia"

to complete the setup, activate the new PORPIDpipeline conda environment,

conda activate PORPIDpipeline

and continue with the julia package environment setup as outlined above in the quick start section.

Cluster setup

Seting up a snakemake pipeline on a cluster is a dark art. Here we describe an attempt at installing PORPIDpipeline on a two node cluster, (one node a controller node with 16 cores and the other node a compute node with 64 cores).

Firstly, since the cluster administrator is hardly likely to give you root access we suggest you follow the conda installation for PORPIDpipeline. If you expect more than one user of your PORPIDpipeline then install in a directory that all your users can see and that is visible from both the contoller and compute nodes. ie use some other directory rather than the standard home directory and make sure to inform julia about this choice of directory as outlined in the conda section above.

Secondly, cluster administrators usually insist that large data sets are stored in an appropriate volume and not in the usual user's space. On our cluster the administrator required the PORPIDpipeline code to be installed in a \tools\porpid\ directory and the large data sets (input, output and temporary) to be stored in a \data\porpid\ directory so we installed PORPIDpipeline into \tools\porpid\porpidpipeline and then replaced some of the directories in the porpidpipeline directory with symbolic links to an appropriate directory in the \data\porpid\ directory as shown below

config.yaml -> /raw/porpid/config/demo.yaml
panels -> /raw/porpid/panels/
porpid -> /raw/porpid/porpid/
postproc -> /raw/porpid/postproc/
raw-reads -> /raw/porpid/raw-reads/

Naturally, one must copy contents of the installation to the /raw/porpid/ directory before deleting the installation directory and replacing it with a symbolic link to the appropriate place on the raw volume.

Job submission, after setting up like this we are ready to run the demo study through the PORPIDpipeline by submitting the snakemake command to the cluster managemant system. On our cluster that management system is slurm and the following shell script stored in facilitated that submission:

#SBATCH --job-name==porpid
#SBATCH --time=1:0:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=7
#SBATCH --partition=main

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
    echo "please supply a config file name as first parameter"
echo "config file is $1"

echo "${SLURM_JOB_NAME} job submited using ${SLURM_NTASKS} cores"

# create a symbolic link for the snakemake config file to point to the config for the current study
rm -f /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline/config.yaml
ln -s /RAW/PORPID/CONFIG/$1.yaml /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline/config.yaml

# tell slurm where anaconda is and conda activate the PORPIDpipeline environment
source /tools/PORPIDpipeline/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate PORPIDpipeline

# navigate to the porpidpipeline directory and run snakemake
# add -F to to the snakemake command to force re-run of all rules
cd /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline
snakemake --rerun-incomplete -j${SLURM_NTASKS}  

To submit the demo to run as a slurm batch job one just uses

sbatch demo

The script above sets some environment variables for slurm and then resets the symbolic link to the appropriate config file for the demo study. It then activates the conda environment switches to the installation directory and runs the snakemake pipeline.

With this structure it is easy to run a new study through PORPIDpipeline. One copies the new config file into the /raw/porpid/config/ directory, transfers the fastq data to the /raw/porpid/raw-reads/ directory and then issues the sbatch command using the appropriate study name instead of demo

Note that with this method you must predetermine the number of cores you intend to use on your cluster's node. In the demo study this is set to 7 ( 6 cores for the samples to run in parallel plus 1 core for snakemake )

Each study will be different. To see how many samples can be run in parallel you can do a snakemake dry run using the script below:

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "please supply a config file name as first parameter"
echo "config file is $1"
# create a symbolic link for the snakemake config file to
# point to the config for the current study
rm -f /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline/config.yaml
ln -s /RAW/PORPID/CONFIG/$1.yaml /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline/config.yaml
# activate the conda environment
source /tools/PORPIDpipeline/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate PORPIDpipeline
# perform a snakemake dry run
# remove the -f for a partial dry run of what's left to do
cd /tools/PORPIDpipeline/porpidpipeline
snakemake -F --rerun-incomplete -np

Note that this dry run is not compute intensive and can ve executed on the controller machine without using the sbatch command as follows:

./ demo


The above suggestion for running a snakemake pipeline under slurm is rudamentary. Maximum cores must be requested at the start of execution and they are probably held throughout the run.

However, it is alledged that snakemake can play nicely with slurm and it should be possible to have snakemake invoke slurm for each rule in the pipeline. In this case snakemake would request the optimal number of cores needed for each step in the pipeline.

We have not attempted this yet, and it would probably require writing a slurm efficient version of the snakefile.

Watch this space for further developments.



The graph below summarizes the overall organization of the workflow. Each node in the graph is a rule in the The Snakefile.


An introduction to PacBio sequencing and an explanation for each PORPIDpipeline rule is given in the set of introductory slides packaged with this repository. docs/slides/PORPIDpipeline.pdf


A pipeline for long-read UMI/PID sequencing of HIV amplicons.






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