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odnar-dev edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 12 revisions

nbrowser uses a simple shell-based config file, which is located in $HOME/.config/nbrowser/config.

if the file does not exist, just create it


NBROWSER_CONFIG_DIR       path to the nbrowser config folder. (default: "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nbrowser")
NBROWSER_DEFAULT_SEARCH   Default search engine to use. (default: duckduckgo)
NBROWSER_PDF_VIEWER       Pdf Viewer to use when opening pdf files.
NBROWSER_HTML_EDITOR      TEXT Editor to use when opening html files.
NBROWSER_PLAYER           Player to use when playing a video. (default: mpv, vlc)
NBROWSER_DOWNLOADER       Downloader to use when downloading a video. (default: yt-dlp, youtube-dl)
COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_OPTION  Option to show Copy To Clipboard. (default: true)

bangs and nbrowser share the same shell environment, so you can add variables that needed by specific bang to the config file like APIKEYS...


you can add additional browsers by adding something like this to your config file:

installed_browsers[$browser_count]="Browser Name	:	path/to/browser -args"

the $browser_count variable is used to keep track of how many browsers in the list,so you don't accidentally overwrite the list

so every time you want to add a browser you need to add browser_count=$((browser_count+1)) before it like this

installed_browsers[$browser_count]="Browser1 Name	:	path/to/browser1 -args"
installed_browsers[$browser_count]="Browser2 Name	:	path/to/browser2 -args"
installed_browsers[$browser_count]="Browser3 Name	:	path/to/browser3 -args"

and this is an example of how to add a firefox profile to the list

installed_browsers[$browser_count]="Firefox ProfileName	:	$(which firefox) -P profilename"
# pro tips:
- $browser_count variable actually start form 2,
  so you can add a browser to the top without overwriting any item in the list
  installed_browsers[1]="Default Browser	:	path/to/browser -args"
- you can also use installed_browsers[0] by I suggest to keep it to special action like opening an html file or a pdf
- when adding a browser, before and after the colon (:) those are not spaces but tabs (\t), one tab before colon and one after

Search Engines

there is two ways to add search engines to nbrowser

the sample one is to add a variable to the ENGINES array in your config file that is used to construct an URL

this is a sample example of duckduckgo search engine that can be called by typing ?ddg search query


the other one see here

# pro tips
if you are lazy like me , you can add all duckduckgo shortcuts by using engines.json file

wget -O $HOME/.config/nbrowser/engines.json


`has` : to check for installed dependencies. (has "arg" && echo yes)
`_pemx` : show an error msg and exit. (_pemx "msg")
`_notify` : show an msg. (_notify "msg")
`_choose` : show a menu and print the selected line. (echo "arg" | _choose)
`_clean_url` : remove tracking parameters from url (_clean_url "url")
`_copy_to_clipboard` : copy to clipboard (_copy_to_clipboard "text")
`open_video_with` : show menu to open video with. (open_video_with "url")
`open_picture_with` : show menu to open picture with. (open_picture_with "url")
`open_in_browser` : show menu to open url in browser. (open_in_browser "url")
`url_handler` : clean url then open with. (url_handler "url")
`_gemini_handler` : handle gemini protocol. (_gemini_handler "url")

Custom Functions

i made it possible to overwrite 3 functions: _copy_to_clipboard and _clean_url , _gemini_handler

the first one as the name indicate is used to copy text to the clipboard, the version that is included in the script use xclip as backend, but you may want to use something else.

the seconde function is _clean_url which try to remove tracking elements from URL, it is very basic, so you may want to improve it or replace it with something better (using ClearURLs rules)

or if you wan't to completely disable it add this to your config file

  echo "$*"

the third one is _gemini_handler which handle gemini protocol, by default it just add a proxy to the start of the url, but you can change that to use a local client.

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