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cleanup yolo filter, don't attach the non-serializable frame to the c…
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kwatters committed Oct 11, 2023
1 parent 1bd238d commit ecd64cb
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Showing 2 changed files with 34 additions and 105 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/main/java/org/myrobotlab/document/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,14 +110,6 @@ public BufferedImage getImage() {
return null;

public void setObject(Object frame) {
setField("imageObject", frame);

public Object getObject() {
return getValue("imageObject");

public void setBoundingBox(Rectangle rect) {
setField("bounding_box", rect);
Expand Down
131 changes: 34 additions & 97 deletions src/main/java/org/myrobotlab/opencv/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,53 +26,41 @@
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_dnn.Net;
import org.myrobotlab.document.Classification;
import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service;
import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory;
import org.myrobotlab.math.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.myrobotlab.service.OpenCV;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

* This filter uses the Yolo image recognition libraries.
* For more information about yolo, here's a link:
public class OpenCVFilterYolo extends OpenCVFilter implements Runnable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public transient final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenCVFilterYolo.class);

protected Boolean running;

// zero offset to where the confidence level is in the output matrix of the
// darknet.
public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenCVFilterYolo.class);
volatile protected Boolean running;
// offset to where the confidence level is in the output matrix of the darknet.
private static final int CONFIDENCE_INDEX = 4;

transient private final OpenCVFrameConverter.ToIplImage grabberConverter = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToIplImage();

protected float confidenceThreshold = 0.25F;
// the column in the detection matrix that contains the confidence level. (I
// think?)
// int probability_index = 5;
// yolo file locations
// private String darknetHome = "c:/dev/workspace/darknet/";

// *** the 'correct' way ***
// public String darknetHome =
// FileIO.gluePaths(Service.getResourceDir(OpenCV.class),"yolo");
public String darknetHome = "resource/OpenCV/yolo"; // FileIO.gluePaths(Service.getResourceDir(OpenCV.class),"yolo");
private float confidenceThreshold = 0.25F;
public String darknetHome = FileIO.gluePaths(Service.getResourceDir(OpenCV.class),"yolo");
public String modelConfig = "yolov2.cfg";
public String modelWeights = "yolov2.weights";
public String modelNames = "coco.names";

int classifierThreadCount = 0;

transient DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("#.###");

transient private OpenCVFrameConverter.ToIplImage converterToIpl = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToIplImage();

protected boolean debug = false;
boolean debug = false;
transient private Net net;
ArrayList<String> classNames;
// quick fix for exploding serialization of Classification
transient public ArrayList<Classification> lastResult = null;
public ArrayList<Classification> lastResult = null;
transient private volatile IplImage lastImage = null;
private volatile boolean pending = false;
transient private Thread classifier;
volatile Object lock = new Object();

public OpenCVFilterYolo(String name) {
Expand All @@ -84,11 +72,9 @@ public OpenCVFilterYolo() {

private void loadYolo() {"loadYolo - begin");"Loading Yolo model.");
try {
net = readNetFromDarknet(darknetHome + File.separator + modelConfig, darknetHome + File.separator + modelWeights);"Loaded yolo darknet model to opencv");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("readNetFromDarknet could not read", e);
Expand All @@ -100,12 +86,10 @@ private void loadYolo() {
log.warn("Error unable to load class names from file {}", modelNames, e);
}"Done loading model..");"loadYolo - end");"Yolo model loaded.");

private ArrayList<String> loadClassNames(String filename) throws IOException {"loadClassNames - begin");
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filename);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
Expand All @@ -115,18 +99,16 @@ private ArrayList<String> loadClassNames(String filename) throws IOException {
}"read {} names", i);"read {} class names", i);
fileReader.close();"loadClassNames - end");
return names;

public IplImage process(IplImage image) throws InterruptedException {
// TODO: what is this doing here?
if (lastResult != null) {
// the thread running will be updating lastResult for it as fast as it
// can.
// the thread running will be updating lastResult for it as fast as itcan.
// displayResult(image, lastResult);
// ok now we just need to update the image that the current thread is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,29 +137,25 @@ public void run() {
running = true;
// loading the model takes a lot of time, we want to block enable/disable
// until we are actually running - then we notifyAll

while (running && enabled) {
if (!pending) {
log.debug("Skipping frame");
// avoid spinning the cpu too hard.
}"process - begin");"Yolo Image Frame - Begin");
// only classify this if we haven't already classified it.
if (lastImage != null) {
// lastResult = dl4j.classifyImageVGG16(lastImage);
log.debug("Doing yolo...");
lastResult = yoloFrame(lastImage);
//"Yolo done.");
// we processed, next object we'll pick up.
// update this so we will process the next frame that arrives.
pending = false;
if (count % 10 == 0) {
double rate = 1000.0 * count / (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);"Yolo Classification Rate : {}", rate);

// TODO: why don't we just publish the lastResult object instead?
// This seems silly.. and potentially this looses data?
Map<String, List<Classification>> ret = new TreeMap<>();
for (Classification c : lastResult) {
List<Classification> nl = null;
Expand All @@ -189,17 +167,12 @@ public void run() {

invoke("publishClassification", ret);
} else {"No Image to classify...");
// We shouldn't see this?"Waiting for a frame to process.");
// TODO: see why there's a race condition. i seem to need a little delay
// here o/w the recognition never seems to start.
// maybe lastImage needs to be marked as volatile ?

} // while (running)

} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("yolo thread threw", e);
Expand All @@ -208,38 +181,23 @@ public void run() {
synchronized (lock) {
classifier = null;
}"yolo exiting classifier thread");"run - end");

private ArrayList<Classification> yoloFrame(IplImage frame) {
log.debug("Starting yolo on frame...");"yoloFrame - begin");
// this is our list of objects that have been detected in a given frame.
ArrayList<Classification> yoloObjects = new ArrayList<Classification>();
// convert that frame to a matrix (Mat) using the frame converters in javacv"yoloFrame - grabberConverter {}", frame);
//"Yolo frame start");
Mat inputMat = grabberConverter.convertToMat(grabberConverter.convert(frame));
//"Input mat created");
// TODO: I think yolo expects RGB color (which is inverted in the next step)
// so if the input image isn't in RGB color, we might need a cvCutColor"yoloFrame - blobFromImage");
Mat inputBlob = blobFromImage(inputMat, 1 / 255.F, new Size(416, 416), new Scalar(), true, false, CV_32F);
// put our frame/input blob into the model.
//"input blob created");"yoloFrame - blob {}", inputBlob);

log.debug("Feed forward!");
//"Input blob set on network.");
// ask for the detection_out layer i guess? not sure the details of the
// forward method, but this computes everything like magic!
Mat detectionMat = net.forward("detection_out");
//"output detection matrix produced");
log.debug("detection matrix computed");
// iterate the rows of the detection matrix.
for (int i = 0; i < detectionMat.rows(); i++) {
Mat currentRow = detectionMat.row(i);
Expand All @@ -248,13 +206,11 @@ private ArrayList<Classification> yoloFrame(IplImage frame) {
// skip the noise

// System.out.println("\nCurrent row has " + currentRow.size().width() +
// "=width " + currentRow.size().height() + "=height.");
// currentRow.position(probability_index);
// int probability_size = detectionMat.cols() - probability_index;
// detectionMat;

// String className = getWithDefault(classNames, i);
// System.out.print("\nROW (" + className + "): " +
// currentRow.getFloatBuffer().get(4) + " -- \t\t");
Expand All @@ -275,69 +231,57 @@ private ArrayList<Classification> yoloFrame(IplImage frame) {
// ok. in theory this is something we think it might actually be.
float x = currentRow.getFloatBuffer().get(0);
float y = currentRow.getFloatBuffer().get(1);

float width = currentRow.getFloatBuffer().get(2);
float height = currentRow.getFloatBuffer().get(3);
int xLeftBottom = (int) ((x - width / 2) * inputMat.cols());
int yLeftBottom = (int) ((y - height / 2) * inputMat.rows());
int xRightTop = (int) ((x + width / 2) * inputMat.cols());
int yRightTop = (int) ((y + height / 2) * inputMat.rows());

if (xLeftBottom < 0) {
xLeftBottom = 0;
if (yLeftBottom < 0) {
yLeftBottom = 0;

// crop the right top
if (xRightTop > inputMat.cols()) {
xRightTop = inputMat.cols();

if (yRightTop > inputMat.rows()) {
yRightTop = inputMat.rows();

log.debug(label + " (" + confidence + "%) [(" + xLeftBottom + "," + yLeftBottom + "),(" + xRightTop + "," + yRightTop + ")]");
Rect boundingBox = new Rect(xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom, xRightTop - xLeftBottom, yRightTop - yLeftBottom);
// grab just the bytes for the ROI defined by that rect..
// get that as a mat, save it as a byte array (png?) other encoding?
// TODO: have a target size?

IplImage cropped = extractSubImage(inputMat, boundingBox);
if (debug) {
debug = false;
IplImage cropped = extractSubImage(inputMat, boundingBox);
show(cropped, "detected img");
Classification obj = new Classification(String.format("%s.%s-%d", data.getName(), name, data.getFrameIndex()));
obj.setBoundingBox(xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom, xRightTop - xLeftBottom, yRightTop - yLeftBottom);
// TODO: add the original frame converted as a serializable image ( BufferedImage or png byte array? )
// obj.setImage(data.getDisplay());
// for non-serializable "local" image objects
// we might just want to provide a reference to the frame. such as the frame number or something similar so if
// we want to find the original frame we can look it up. (in solr?)
}"yoloFrame - end");
return yoloObjects;

private IplImage extractSubImage(Mat inputMat, Rect boundingBox) {"extractSubImage - begin");
log.debug(boundingBox.x() + " " + boundingBox.y() + " " + boundingBox.width() + " " + boundingBox.height());

// TODO: figure out if the width/height is too large! don't want to go array
// out of bounds
Mat cropped = new Mat(inputMat, boundingBox);

IplImage image = converterToIpl.convertToIplImage(converterToIpl.convert(cropped));
// This mat should be the cropped image!"extractSubImage - end");
return image;

Expand All @@ -346,10 +290,8 @@ public void release() {
// synchronized (lock) {"release - begin");
disable(); // blocks until ready

// while(isRunning){ sleep(30) .. check again }
// bleed out the thread before deallocating

if (net != null) {
net = null;
Expand All @@ -358,8 +300,6 @@ public void release() {
// }

transient volatile Object lock = new Object();

public void enable() {
if (classifier != null) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,16 +336,13 @@ public void disable() {
public BufferedImage processDisplay(Graphics2D graphics, BufferedImage image) {
if (lastResult != null) {

for (Classification obj : lastResult) {
String label = obj.getLabel() + " (" + df2.format(obj.getConfidence() * 100) + "%)";

Rectangle bb = obj.getBoundingBox();
int x = (int) bb.x;
int y = (int) bb.y;
int width = (int) bb.width;
int height = (int) bb.height;

graphics.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
graphics.fillRect(x, y - 20, 7 * label.length(), 20);
Expand Down

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