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subkt / myaa.subkt.tasks / Anidex


open class Anidex : PropertyTask (source)

Task for uploading a torrent file to A predefined task instance can be accessed through Subs.anidex.

anidex {
    torrentName("[Group] My Show - 01.mkv")
    torrentDescription("This is the *description*.")


Name Summary
AnidexCategories enum class AnidexCategories
Torrent categories on Nyaa.
AnidexLanguage enum class AnidexLanguage


Name Summary
<init> Anidex()
Task for uploading a torrent file to A predefined task instance can be accessed through Subs.anidex.


Name Summary
anidexUrl var anidexUrl: String
The URL of the uploaded torrent. Only available if the upload succeeded.
apiKey val apiKey: Property<String>
The API key for posting the torrent.
batch val batch: Property<Boolean>
If true, marks the torrent as a batch torrent. Defaults to false.
category val category: Property<Anidex.AnidexCategories>
What category to post the torrent to. Defaults to AnidexCategories.ANIME_SUB.
endpoint val endpoint: Property<String>
The API endpoint. Don't change unless you know what you're doing. Defaults to api.
from val from: ConfigurableFileCollection!
The torrent file to upload.
group val group: Property<Int>
The group to post the torrent as. Defaults to 0, i.e. individual/no group.
hidden val hidden: Property<Boolean>
If true, marks the torrent as hidden. Defaults to true.
host val host: Property<String>
The hostname. Don't change unless you know what you're doing. Defaults to
https val https: Property<Boolean>
If true, uses HTTPS to connect; HTTP otherwise. Don't change unless you know what you're doing. Defaults to true.
lang val lang: Property<Anidex.AnidexLanguage>
The language of the torrent. Defaults to AnidexLanguage.ENGLISH.
out val out: File
port val port: Property<Int>
The port to connect to. Don't change unless you know what you're doing. Defaults to 443 if https is true; 80 otherwise.
r18 val r18: Property<Boolean>
If true, marks the torrent as an R18+ torrent. Defaults to false.
remake val remake: Property<Boolean>
If true, marks the torrent as a remake. Defaults to false.
torrentDescription val torrentDescription: Property<String>
The torrent description. Defaults to empty.
torrentName val torrentName: Property<String>
The name (title) of the torrent. By default lets Anidex choose a title based on the torrent file.
ttApi val ttApi: Property<Boolean>
If true, auto-submit torrent to TokyoToshokan. A TokyoToshokan API key must have been provided in the upload settings. Defaults to false.

Inherited Properties

Name Summary
propertyFile val propertyFile: File


Name Summary
run open fun run(): Unit

Inherited Functions

Name Summary
doTask fun doTask(): Unit

Extension Properties

Name Summary
batch val Task.batch: String
The same as entry if this is a batch task; error otherwise.
currentTask val Task.currentTask: String
The name of this task.
entry val Task.entry: String
The entry (batch or episode) this task corresponds to.
episode val Task.episode: String
The same as entry if this is an episode task; error otherwise.
episodes val Task.episodes: List<String>
The episodes this task corresponds to. A single-item list containing episode if this is an episode task; a list of the episodes for the batch given by batch otherwise.
isBatch val Task.isBatch: Boolean
True if this task is a batch task.
release val Task.release: String
The release this task was generated for.
taskGroup val <T : Task> T.taskGroup: TaskGroup<T>
The TaskGroup instance this task belongs to.

Extension Functions

Name Summary
defaultProperty fun <T> Task.defaultProperty(default: T): Property<T>
Returns a Property with a default value set.
evaluate fun Task.evaluate(expression: String): Provider<List<String>!>!
Evaluates a string using Velocity, splits it on `
evaluateTemplate fun Task.evaluateTemplate(expression: String): Provider<String!>!
Like evaluate but only processes the template syntax, without globbing.
get fun Task.get(propertyName: String): Provider<String!>!
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and returns a single string, assuming that the resulting list contains only one element.
getAs fun <T> Task.getAs(propertyName: String): Provider<T>!
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and returns a single string, cast to the given type using String.asType, assuming that the resulting list contains only one element.
getFile fun Task.getFile(filename: String): Provider<String!>!
fun Task.getFile(filename: Provider<String>): Provider<String!>!
Reads the specified file and processes it using Velocity.
getList fun Task.getList(propertyName: String): Provider<List<String>>
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and evaluates its value using evaluate.
getListAs fun <T> Task.getListAs(propertyName: String): Provider<List<T>!>!
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and casts the list elements to the given type using String.asType.
getRaw fun Task.getRaw(propertyName: String): String
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and returns the raw string. Raises an error if not found.
getRawMaybe fun Task.getRawMaybe(propertyName: String): String?
Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and returns the raw string, possibly null.
outputFile fun Task.outputFile(extension: String): ConfigurableFileCollection
Returns a ConfigurableFileCollection containing a single file taskName.extension located in the build directory.
propertyExists fun Task.propertyExists(propertyName: String): Boolean
Returns true if the given property exists in the Subs object's SubProperties instance for the given context.