Musiverse is a curses-based modern, minimal, fully customizable and hackable terminal music player. It's currently in the pre-alpha stage, so expect bugs and "flashiness". The player can play anything that can be streamed from YouTube. I'll add more features and plugin support in the future. Do report any bugs / give suggestions for improvements in the repository issues. Feel free to fork and contribute!
- Search for music on YouTube
- Download music from YouTube
- Parallely download multiple songs
- Create and manage playlists
- Play music
- Visualize music
- FULL Mpris integration
- Search and download util
- Player
- Mpris integration
- Visualizer (w/ cover art display in visualizer and player screens)
- Plugin support
- (IMPORTANT) Improve the renderer, build a string and do it all in one drawcall.
- Space to select songs globally for addition to a playlist (globally = in any screen showing songs)
- Search for songs within a playlist
- Add a playlist to another playlist
- Create the player thing
- Add mpris integration
- Create a "queue" buffer for songs to be played. Instead of directly playing a playlist, you can "enqueue" it. The queue can be edited like a playlist. Create another mode in the library screen for this.