The task was to create a solution that generates a password that meets the users requirements.
The provided user story was:
AS AN employee with access to sensitive data
I WANT to randomly generate a password that meets certain criteria
SO THAT I can create a strong password that provides greater security
Provide a solution so that the user can set various criteria and be provided with a password that meets the criteria.
Writing of a solution to resolve the situation, including:
- Layout
- Layout is responsive and functional on various screen sizes
- Simple, yet attractive design
- Logical layout
- Improved code visualisation - eg: indentation
- Error free loading
- Favicon designed and added
- Thorough comments
- Intuitive design with error handling and user feedback if mistakes made
- Different options available for the user to generate their requirements
- Javascript
- Error free performance
- Multiple functions to separate aspects of code
- Thorough comments
- Console log displays generated password and the randomised password
- Numerous commits to track changes in code
- Code added to public repository and Github Pages for public viewing
- Functionality
- Guarantee of at least one of the selected characters appearing in the password
- Password semi created at random, then characters within the password randomised
The end code is stored on Github, and publicly available and viewable. Accessibility functionality has been added, links have been fixed, code has been optimised, and the UI exceeds 90% similarity. This result meets all requirements of the User Story and acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I need a new, secure passwordWHEN I click the button to generate a passwordTHEN I am presented with a series of prompts for password criteriaWHEN prompted for password criteriaTHEN I select which criteria to include in the passwordWHEN prompted for the length of the passwordTHEN I choose a length of at least 8 characters and no more than 128 charactersWHEN asked for character types to include in the passwordTHEN I confirm whether or not to include lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and/or special charactersWHEN I answer each promptTHEN my input should be validated and at least one character type should be selectedWHEN all prompts are answeredTHEN a password is generated that matches the selected criteriaWHEN the password is generatedTHEN the password is either displayed in an alert or written to the page
As the acceptance criteria has been met, the task is now complete.
As a caveat, the solution was originally built before fully checking the requirements, the requirements of prompts were then incorporated into the existing solution.
There is a new Google feature named FLoc that is generating the below error. This is not a result of the performance or design of the site.
You can view the finished product HERE
Alternatively, here is a screenshot:
Written by Steve Barry - Due date 16/12/2021
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