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add fortran MICM solve function that takes c pointers
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mattldawson committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent ff12c14 commit 10fbd0d
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Showing 10 changed files with 575 additions and 126 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ option(MUSICA_BUILD_DOCS "Build the documentation" OFF)
option(MUSICA_ENABLE_TUVX "Enable TUV-x" ON)

set(MUSICA_SET_MICM_VECTOR_MATRIX_SIZE "1" CACHE STRING "Set MICM vector-ordered matrix dimension")
set(MUSICA_SET_MICM_VECTOR_MATRIX_SIZE "4" CACHE STRING "Set MICM vector-ordered matrix dimension")

MUSICA_ENABLE_PYTHON_LIBRARY "Adds pybind11, a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa" OFF "MUSICA_BUILD_C_CXX_INTERFACE" OFF)
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105 changes: 98 additions & 7 deletions fortran/micm.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,10 +135,14 @@ end function get_user_defined_reaction_rates_ordering_c
type :: micm_t
type(mappings_t), pointer :: species_ordering => null()
type(mappings_t), pointer :: user_defined_reaction_rates => null()
type(c_ptr), private :: ptr = c_null_ptr
type(c_ptr), private :: ptr = c_null_ptr
integer, private :: number_of_grid_cells = 0
integer, private :: solver_type = 0
! Solve the chemical system
procedure :: solve
procedure, private :: solve_arrays
procedure, private :: solve_c_ptrs
generic :: solve => solve_arrays, solve_c_ptrs
! Get species properties
procedure :: get_species_property_string
procedure :: get_species_property_double
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,6 +212,8 @@ function constructor(config_path, solver_type, num_grid_cells, error) result( t
end do
c_config_path(n+1) = c_null_char

this%number_of_grid_cells = num_grid_cells
this%solver_type = solver_type
this%ptr = create_micm_c( c_config_path, int(solver_type, kind=c_int), &
int(num_grid_cells, kind=c_int), error_c )
error = error_t(error_c)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +242,12 @@ function constructor(config_path, solver_type, num_grid_cells, error) result( t

end function constructor

subroutine solve(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, concentrations, &
user_defined_reaction_rates, solver_state, solver_stats, error)
!> Solves the chemical system
!! This function accepts fortran arrays and checks their sizes
!! against the number of grid cells and the species/rate parameter ordering.
subroutine solve_arrays(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, &
concentrations, user_defined_reaction_rates, solver_state, solver_stats, error)
use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc
use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
use musica_util, only: string_t, string_t_c, error_t_c, error_t
Expand All @@ -246,8 +256,8 @@ subroutine solve(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, concentrat
real(real64), target, intent(in) :: temperature(:)
real(real64), target, intent(in) :: pressure(:)
real(real64), target, intent(in) :: air_density(:)
real(real64), target, intent(inout) :: concentrations(:)
real(real64), target, intent(in) :: user_defined_reaction_rates(:)
real(real64), target, intent(inout) :: concentrations(:,:)
real(real64), target, intent(in) :: user_defined_reaction_rates(:,:)
type(string_t), intent(out) :: solver_state
type(solver_stats_t), intent(out) :: solver_stats
type(error_t), intent(out) :: error
Expand All @@ -256,6 +266,54 @@ subroutine solve(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, concentrat
type(solver_stats_t_c) :: solver_stats_c
type(error_t_c) :: error_c

if (size(temperature) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Temperature array size does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (size(pressure) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Pressure array size does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (size(air_density) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Air density array size does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (this%solver_type .eq. Rosenbrock .or. this%solver_type .eq. BackwardEuler) then
if (size(concentrations, 1) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Concentrations array dimension 1 does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (size(concentrations, 2) .ne. this%species_ordering%size()) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Concentrations array dimension 2 does not match species ordering")
end if
if (size(user_defined_reaction_rates, 1) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "User defined reaction rates array dimension 1 does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (size(user_defined_reaction_rates, 2) .ne. this%user_defined_reaction_rates%size()) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "User defined reaction rates array dimension 2 does not match user defined reaction rates ordering")
end if
if (size(concentrations, 1) .ne. this%species_ordering%size()) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Concentrations array dimension 1 does not match species ordering")
end if
if (size(concentrations, 2) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "Concentrations array dimension 2 does not match number of grid cells")
end if
if (size(user_defined_reaction_rates, 1) .ne. this%user_defined_reaction_rates%size()) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "User defined reaction rates array dimension 1 does not match user defined reaction rates ordering")
end if
if (size(user_defined_reaction_rates, 2) .ne. this%number_of_grid_cells) then
error = error_t(1, "MICM_SOLVE", "User defined reaction rates array dimension 2 does not match number of grid cells")
end if
end if

call micm_solve_c(this%ptr, real(time_step, kind=c_double), c_loc(temperature), &
c_loc(pressure), c_loc(air_density), c_loc(concentrations), &
c_loc(user_defined_reaction_rates), &
Expand All @@ -265,7 +323,40 @@ subroutine solve(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, concentrat
solver_stats = solver_stats_t(solver_stats_c)
error = error_t(error_c)

end subroutine solve
end subroutine solve_arrays

!> Solves the chemical system
!! This function accepts c pointers and does not check their sizes.
!! The user is responsible for ensuring the sizes are correct.
subroutine solve_c_ptrs(this, time_step, temperature, pressure, air_density, &
concentrations, user_defined_reaction_rates, solver_state, solver_stats, error)
use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
use musica_util, only: string_t, string_t_c, error_t_c, error_t
class(micm_t), intent(in) :: this
real(real64), intent(in) :: time_step
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: temperature
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pressure
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: air_density
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: concentrations
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: user_defined_reaction_rates
type(string_t), intent(out) :: solver_state
type(solver_stats_t), intent(out) :: solver_stats
type(error_t), intent(out) :: error

type(string_t_c) :: solver_state_c
type(solver_stats_t_c) :: solver_stats_c
type(error_t_c) :: error_c

call micm_solve_c(this%ptr, real(time_step, kind=c_double), temperature, pressure, &
air_density, concentrations, user_defined_reaction_rates, &
solver_state_c, solver_stats_c, error_c)

solver_state = string_t(solver_state_c)
solver_stats = solver_stats_t(solver_stats_c)
error = error_t(error_c)

end subroutine solve_c_ptrs

!> Constructor for solver_stats_t object that takes ownership of solver_stats_t_c
function solver_stats_t_constructor( c_solver_stats ) result( new_solver_stats )
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions fortran/test/fetch_content_integration/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ if (MUSICA_ENABLE_MICM)

target_compile_definitions(test_micm_fortran_api PUBLIC MICM_VECTOR_MATRIX_SIZE=${MUSICA_SET_MICM_VECTOR_MATRIX_SIZE})

NAME test_micm_fortran_api
COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_micm_fortran_api>
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