Clone folder to root of civicrm.
Write comments between
. Example usage:
* Participant Create Unit Test
* @docmaker_start
* @api_entity Participant
* @api_action Create
* @http_method POST
* @request_content_type application/json
* @request_url <entrypoint>?entity=Participant&action=create
* @request_body {$request_body}
* @api_explorer /civicrm/apibrowser#/civicrm/ajax/rest?entity=Participant&action=get&pretty=1&json={$request_body_inline}
* @response_body {$response_body}
* @docmaker_end
Go to API tests folder and run
phpunit {entity}Test.php
to generate request and response json files in folderunit_test_result
Enter docMaker folder. Execute command
php genDoc.php {entity}
. -
Markdown result file will be generated to
- Install hugo
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/gohugoio/hugo/releases/latest \
| grep browser_download_url \
| grep Linux-64bit.deb \
| grep extended \
| cut -d '"' -f 4 \
| wget -i - \
&& dpkg -i hugo*_Linux-64bit.deb
The hugo theme hugo theme learn is already inside themes. We made a little change to this theme for better use of iframe embed scenario.
Build html file with default config.toml Run this command and you will get html file in public folder.
We have modified some theme tempalte and css. Make sure test before publish Run this command to clone the theme from github if themes/book folder is empty:
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn
cp -R hugo-theme-learn/* themes/hugo-theme-learn/