Release note of 6.0.0:
Personal Campaign Pages
PCP Frontend Page Optimization
abffa41 refs #37131, gh-91, Include data-attribute for specific contribution page script handling
bbfceb6 refs #37131, gh-91, fix UI issue
7d3f1d9 refs #37131, gh-91, toggle button state based on fundraising page status
c8af8dd refs #37131, gh-91, refactor progress bar display logic in PCPInfo.tpl
4bff4b3 refs #37131, gh-91, adjust responsive max-height for .pcp-leading
60629e3 refs #37131, gh-91, add target and title to social links in PCPInfo
3750cce remove unuse comments
f35eaf6 refs #37131, gh-91, remove display check from progressbar.tpl
c96aa9d refs #37131, gh-91, add pcp-amount-goal-top
1b391ee refs #37131, gh-91, fix UI issues
559a3e9 refs #37131, gh-91, add link display logic in PCPInfo
05ee490 refs #37131, gh-91, remove unuse code and comment
e41cb83 refs #37131, gh-91, add RWD styles to pcp frontend page
61f8bae refs #37131, gh-91, add social media to pcp-sticky-header
cadadb6 refs #37131, gh-91, add fontawesome
fbbb674 refs #37131, gh-91, toggle pcp-sticky-header visibility on scroll past progress-button
49d453a refs #37131, gh-91, add pcp sticky header feature
714d0b3 refs #37131, gh-91, add mouseleave event to resize grid items
08b71e0 refs #37131, gh-91, enhance pcp-honor-roll visibility and resize behavior
d84b34a refs #37131, gh-91, Add container class to pcp-page-text
a2816c4 refs #37131, gh-91, Set max-height to pcp-leading
1b939b0 refs #37131, gh-91, Implement dynamic height for pcp-leading via CSS variables
7e8f3a3 refs #37131, gh-91, refactor honor roll display in PCPInfo template
eb03e82 refs #37131, gh-91, enhance typography and layout for pcp-intro-text
2e9baaf refs #37131, gh-91, refactor progress UI from jQuery to pure JavaScript
106d1e0 refs #37131, gh-91, Enhance button and progress bar styles using CSS vars
4c439ac refs #37131. Add fullwidth progress bar support
4b868f1 refs #37131. Refactor PCPInfo to use progressbar template
535097f refs #37131. Refactor progress bar template for better readability and flexibility
83e6862 refs #37332, gh-89, hide popup status message when page start
39d2bd4 refs #37131, gh-91, remove fontawesome from package.
Rework PCP Page Editing
2f02282 refs #37300, gh-90, add RWD styles to crm-box and crm-list
07bf341 refs #37300, gh-90, refactor variable names for consistency
38cca63 refs #37300, gh-90, add crm-box styles
f6d4f86 refs #37300, gh-90, update thermometer display settings with multiple choices in PCP Campaign
d34ed47 refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issue of pcp backend page
e23911f refs #37300, gh-90, add preview feature to PCP page
71c62df refs #37300, gh-90, add crm-pcp-submit-buttons-top feature
f0b8215 refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issues
265474f refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issues
9c24a0d refs #37300, gh-90, add RWD feature to PCP backend page
419a1dc refs #37300, gh-90, add honor roll counter when conditions met
24df1f2 refs #37300, gh-90, add upload-your-own-image feature
55e1b86 refs #37300, gh-90, add toggle for custom image upload in CRM attachment form
6e94386 refs #37300, gh-90, improve event binding for image selection
19f2221 refs #37300, gh-90, reorder attachment upload instructions and modify gallery selection text
00473da refs #37300, gh-90, add check icon to highlight selected item
6c6c753 refs #37300, gh-90, encapsulate gallery disable logic in function
d260f73 refs #37300, gh-90, reset preset image if attachment uploaded
0459db4 refs #37300, gh-90, enforce removal of current attachment before gallery selection
92470d4 refs #37300, gh-90, remove default value for preset_image in PCP form
b244774 refs #37300, gh-90, add UI and interactive events of pcp-preset-img-list
12ac7ad refs #37300. Add pcp-default-preset-img-list
907ffd9 refs #37300. Add preset_image field
9a9cb09 refs #37300, gh-90, remove redundant Smarty var checks in PCPInfo
3a54422 refs #37300, gh-90, ensure correct bool handling in isEmbed
b7676a5 refs #37300, add pageTitle in embed mode
6ea15bb refs #37332, add status change confirm box on admin interface
b88764e refs #37300, use assign instead direct smarty get usage
835c238 refs #37300, fixes anonymous can't preview pcp
3a31295 refs #37300, gh-90, streamline share URL and title handling
af70e3a refs #37300, gh-90, add description to pcp field
3fa7e00 refs #37300, gh-90, add styles to pcp-management
c4e856b refs #37300, gh-90, change fields order of pcp
b0f137f refs #37300, gh-90, add conditional display for is_active field
97964ad refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issue of preview popup
86e18d9 refs #37300, gh-90, add cpreview popup RWD feature
c2c4b62 refs #37300, gh-90, add pcp preset images
e397f22 refs #37300, re-write image generate utils library
44bafad refs #37300, gh-90, add new pcp page status Draft
8cdc00c refs #37300, gh-90, adjust embed mode handling in PCPInfo
4bff4b3 refs #37300, gh-90, add embed-preview-mode helper
0607442 refs #37300, gh-90, hide campaign is_active field visually when frozen
cdf3355 refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issue
32315cb refs #37300, gh-90, fix UI issue of pcp backend page
60d6b17 refs #37300, fixes anony can't preview issue
738406f refs #37300, move pcp submit status message to top of pcp-management
1299418 refs #37300, add preset image for pcp user
d061ac4 refs #37300, remove duplicate messages
8352cbd refs #37300, add message when anony submit and public pcp directlly without approve
492c9df refs #37300, allowed font-size, color, background color for ckeditor basic editor
PCP Notification Optimization
9a36e9a refs #37017, gh-108, Avoid undefined variable.
c899902 refs #37017, gh-108, Fixed the problem of management notification returned too early.
1897574 refs #37017, gh-108, Management notification should not be sent when a manager edits a PCP page.
e1bdaf7 refs #37017, gh-108, The welcome supporter notification email should be personalized to include the manager's email address if available.
b8ad8a9 refs #37017, gh-108, Whenever a donor edits their personal campaign page, send a notification to both the donor's supporters and managers.
fef96f7 refs #37017, gh-108, Make sure that the word "campaign" is used consistently.
db1c8a7 refs #37017, gh-108, Change Template Personal Fundraising Page - Supporters welcome
89a0b4f refs #37017, gh-108, Change Template Personal Fundraising Page - Notification management
50d6f51 refs #37017, Change Template Personal Fundraising Page - Supporter Status Change Notification.
de8cbda refs #37017, fixes sending mail logic for pcp welcom msg
e6420cf refs #37017, add text description for pcp
af64c7b refs #37017, fixes typo
1b4874e refs #37017, update pcp notification emails
195bfe0 refs #37017, enhance some legacy code
Rework PCP Admin and Add Draft status
98ba955 refs #37332, gh-89, fixes search draft of pcp in admin page
53a0a7a refs gh-89, #37332, add revert to draft back
b2fdaab refs gh-86, #37238, add different icons for pcp management
9c24a0d refs #37238, gh-86, Add arrow symbol to 'New personal campaign page' link
c3a1c04 refs #37238, gh-86, Add UI for easy URL copy and shorten in ContributionPageEdit
3d031b4 refs #37238, gh-86, Improve wording and navigation for contribution edit page
PDF Receipt Encryption
5eacfe0 refs #38829, add pdf receipt encryption text to templates
c44ca1c refs #38829, remove limitation, add qpdf default path for config when install
22441bb refs #38829, fixes typo, correct serial number generate func
2831629 Refs #38829, Add legal identifier template var to email password when serial id is empty.
26a7634 Refs #38829, Update remove old pdf method.
5caac38 Refs #38829, Update email encryption text description.
1227ea6 Refs #38829, Replace single and double quotes and remove unused code.
dcf0aea Refs #38829, Modify method for set encrypted password.
ca6500f refs #38829, correct pdf receipt decrypt info message
7debbe3 Refs #38829, Update makepdf argument on task for send email.
625d4de Refs #38829, Add receipt email encryption block and update make pdf condition.
a9f0d4f Refs #38829, Add encryptPDF function to encrypt pdf.
06cd6f0 Refs #38829, Set variable to config and update translate.
10712cd Refs #38829, Add Path to qpdf executable field.
387cb6f Refs #38829, Add receipt Email Encryption option.
Other Optimizations and Bug Fixes
8e518cf refs #40338, fixes type test for filename
fef3e29 refs #40338 no. 28, escape id before retrieve data
7ee7f5a refs #40388 no.17, escape params before output
1ab8a9e refs #40338, add type test for filename and directory name
04831c7 refs #40338 no.13, verify input befor retrieve value
562afd6 refs #40338 no.11, escape directory name before create
37be86c refs #40338 no.3-21, import ajax status tmp name should verify
5fec41b refs #40338, fixes legacy typo of commaseparatedintegers
4fc7973 refs #40338 no.1-2-9-10, sanitize name before dir/file create
1e15c58 refs #38963, purify html before shown to user
53a30f8 refs #36881, add status filter to group contact API
9d314f6 refs #36988, merge conflict
Automated Testing Related
58366d1 Refs #39808, Remove sleep time and uneed expect check.
4ab541b ref #39943 merge and delete testing complete (modify)
79df908 ref #39943 merge and delete testing complete
e94bf81 ref #39943 merge function complete
199fecd temp save
58e3586 ref #39808, fix setParticipantNum function
f4d810f ref #39808, create setParticipantNum function for setting correct participant number
5787b62 create new function for merge contacts in batch_action.spec.js
ce94f04 modify path in drone.yml
6fad506 fix path in ci.yml and rename nowait file
d2b5eef ref #39808 add functions into utils.js file
06e6a1b ref #39808 add event 3 testing files for limited participants with waitlist , limited participants required appro val and unlimited participants required approval
053e1a1 ref #39808 add event 3 testing files for limited participants with waitlist , limited participants required appro val and unlimited participants required approval
5be3fe2 ref #39808 modify file name and variable
0486198 ref #39808 modify ci.yml and .drone.yml
fd3d299 ref #39808 modify event testing file for limit participants and no waitlist
aff446e ref #39808 add event testing file for limit participants and no waitlist
dba5db6 ref #39808 modify ci.yml and .drone.yml
1abedfa ref #39808 modify event normal register file and ci.yml
f91e242 ref #39898 add event file for normal register
6dba593 ref #39714 remove some unnecessary file and reset timeout
0be4f7f ref #39714 remove some unnecessary file and reset timeout
84fb792 refs #39714, ci - pages.spec.js pass
44bafad Refs #38196, Update page test for contribution.
12ee5f8 Refs #38196, Update some page test and remove unused link.
3eeb46d Refs #38712, Add testSingleWithWrongParms test for spgateway.
7f46f5b Refs #38199, Add wait time for test.
909fe4d Refs #38199, Update title element.
826df98 Refs #38199, Add function to check and set accordion element.
fdcb0d7 Refs #38712, Update instrument id for atm.
4a93356 Refs #38199, Fix contribution booster error and add into ci test.
b2e0c7c Refs #38712, Add spgateway single contribution test.
9d0318e Refs #38196, Add contact link for page test.
7e8f3a3 Refs #38196 25f, Add array to count function for php 8.
f4f1282 Refs #38196, Add report page test.
0f9f68e Refs #38118, Remove unused code.
0f9f68e refs #38196, Refactor code structure.
0f9f68e Refs #36681 32f, set custom id for smart group.
0f9f68e Refs #36681 14f, Get all contact in group.