Release note of 6.0.2:
4cae315 refs #40371, #39423, #29618, fixes user input value on custom field being wrong validation
a55a228 refs #37238 note-33, do not show create link of pcp when inactive
275e85f e8f1c83 Refs #40326, Add handling to parse numeric string values in contribution status. Update contribution status value as 0 when status index not found.
48206a6 refs #37131. Allow achieved_percent to exceed 100%
99927aa Refs #39372, Freeze 3d secure checkbox if there are tappay contribution.
- 8df7ff1 Refs #39372, Modify tappay ipn endpoint url, description text in pp form.
- 8c9dd1c Refs #39372, Modify tappay 3d validate success process as back to thankyou page.
- 3de7ca8 Refs #39372, Add TapPay 3 domain secure behavior.
- 74cc6a0 Refs #39372, Add 3D secure option for TapPay pp config form.
eb3dce4 refs #40383. Fix civicrm_pcp shortening issue and save URLs to DB
325ca8c refs #40214#note-13, gh-70, fixes html purifier allowed tags format